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Mastering Poppy’s Jungle Path in High Elo: Optimal Routes, Build, and Clearing Guide

With almost 160 playable characters, it’s no surprise that some champions receive more attention than others. Older champions are often forgotten until they receive buffs from Riot. One such champion is Poppy, the Keeper of the Hammer. Despite her visual and gameplay updates, she didn’t gain much attention until the introduction of new Mythic items. It’s strange considering her kit and gameplay, which are far from boring. Poppy has a lot of versatility, making her a great pick for the jungle role.

To help you get started with Poppy, we have the ultimate Jungle pathing and clearing guide, along with tips and tricks for her runes, summoner spells, and items. Let’s dive right in!

Summoner Spells: Flash + Smite. Flash is essential for repositioning yourself to land well-aimed Heroic Charges.

Poppy Runes: Contrary to popular belief, Poppy Jungle is most effective with Phase Rush, Nimbus Cloak, Celerity, and Waterwalking. Triumph and Legend: Tenacity are the most valuable secondary runes for later stages of the game.

Poppy Items: Starting items include Hailblade + Refillable Potion. The ideal Mythic item is Divine Sunderer, which pairs well with Poppy’s kit. Core items include defensive boots, Dead Man’s Plate, and Force of Nature. Options for finishing items include Spirit Visage, Thornmail, and Randuin’s Omen.

Skill Order: Max Q, then E, W, and R. Q is the most effective for clearing the jungle.

The Best Jungle Paths for Poppy: Poppy’s primary clearing tool is her Q ability. We’ll cover advantageous starts from each side, taking into account factors like which laners can provide help, counter-jungle opportunities, and potential gank paths.

Tips and Tricks:
1. Make use of Poppy’s entire kit, including her passive shielding ability.
2. Aim Hammer Shock to slow enemies and deal extra damage.
3. Use Steadfast Presence to deny enemy dashes or as a movement speed boost.
4. Keeper’s Verdict can be used for disengage or as a knock-up, depending on the situation.

Final Thoughts: Poppy has often been overlooked as a viable pick, but she can be a strong force in the current meta. Her versatility in itemization and her ability to put her team ahead and protect them in team fights make her a valuable jungle pick. Give Poppy a try and stay tuned for more League of Legends content on our website.

That’s it for our ultimate Poppy Jungle guide! Be sure to check out our website for more guides like this.