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Master the Art of Controlling Objectives in LoL: Tips and Tricks for Dominating the Rift

The importance of objective control in League of Legends cannot be stressed enough. It is a vital aspect of gameplay that can determine the outcome of a match. In this article, we will explore the world of objective control in League of Legends and share tips and strategies to help you secure those game-changing advantages.


1. Objective control is crucial for success in LoL, as it provides strategic advantages and increases your chances of winning.
2. Statistics show that securing the first Baron Nashor dramatically increases your chances of winning the match.
3. Proper warding, timing, and communication are essential for effective objective control.
4. Prioritize objectives that provide significant advantages to your team.
5. Learn from professional players’ strategies for controlling objectives.

Why Objective Control Matters: Facts and Figures

Objective control is a crucial aspect of League of Legends gameplay. It involves securing and defending objectives like dragons, Baron Nashor, turrets, and inhibitors. According to a report by Esports Charts, the team that secures the first Baron Nashor has a 73% chance of winning the match. In the 2020 League of Legends World Championship, the average number of dragons slain per game was 3.6, while the average number of Barons slain per game was 1.4. These statistics highlight the significance of objective control in determining the outcome of a match.

Doublelift’s Take on Objective Control

Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng, a professional League of Legends player, emphasizes the importance of objective control. He states, “In League of Legends, objective control is the key to victory. The team that can secure and defend objectives like dragons and Baron Nashor will have a significant advantage over their opponents.”

Mastering the Art of Objective Control: Strategies and Tips

To excel in objective control, here are some essential tips to consider:

1. Warding is essential: Place control wards around important objectives and in the enemy jungle to track their movements.
2. Timing matters: Keep track of objective respawn timers and plan your team’s movements accordingly.
3. Communication is key: Communicate with your teammates about objectives and potential plays.
4. Focus on high-impact objectives: Prioritize objectives that provide significant advantages to your team.
5. Learn from the pros: Watch professional players and analyze their objective control strategies.

Advanced Objective Control Strategies: Making the Most of Every Opportunity

For those looking to elevate their objective control, consider implementing these advanced strategies:

1. Objective Trading: Strategically trade objectives with your opponents when it’s impossible to contest every objective.
2. Objective Baiting: Pretend to take an objective to lure the enemy team into a disadvantageous position.
3. Objective Prioritization Based on Team Compositions: Prioritize objectives based on your team composition and the current state of the game.
4. Coordinated Objective Control Across Lanes: Coordinate with your teammates to time backs and teleport usage for crucial objectives.
5. Contesting and Stealing Objectives: Disrupt the enemy team and steal objectives using champions with high burst damage or powerful crowd control abilities.

Role-Specific Tips for Objective Control

Each role in League of Legends plays a unique part in controlling objectives. Here are some role-specific tips:

1. Top Laners: Manage your wave, use Teleport wisely, and coordinate with your jungler for Rift Herald control.
2. Junglers: Track objective timers, ward and clear enemy vision, invade the enemy jungle to steal camps, and deny resources.
3. Mid Laners: Push your lane and roam, coordinate with your jungler, and utilize your champion’s unique abilities.
4. Bot Laners: Manage your wave and back timings, coordinate with your support, and position safely during objective fights.
5. Supports: Ward and clear enemy vision, use crowd control and utility abilities effectively, and communicate with your team.

The Impact of Champion Selection on Objective Control

Champion selection also plays a significant role in objective control. Some champions excel at taking objectives quickly, while others provide crucial utility during objective fights. Champions with strong objective control, champions with utility and crowd control, and champions with global presence all contribute to objective control in different ways.

Adapting Your Objective Control Strategies to Different Stages of the Game

Objective control strategies should be adapted to different stages of the game:

1. Early Game: Focus on securing early objectives and establishing vision control.
2. Mid Game: Prioritize taking down turrets and securing dragons. Use vision control and objective baiting to create advantages.
3. Late Game: Secure powerful objectives like Baron Nashor and Elder Dragon. Coordinate with your team for split-push pressure or decisive team fights.

Frequently Asked Questions

– What are the main objectives in League of Legends? The main objectives include dragons, Baron Nashor, turrets, and inhibitors.
– How can I improve my objective control in LoL? Focus on warding, timing, communication, prioritization, and learning from professional players.
– Why is vision control important for objective control? Vision control provides information and helps in making informed decisions.
– How do I know which objectives to prioritize? Consider your team composition and the advantages provided by each objective.
– What role does communication play in objective control? Communication helps coordinate movements and make informed decisions.

Conclusion: Dominate the Rift with Superior Objective Control

By mastering objective control in League of Legends, you can significantly improve your chances of winning. Practice proper warding, timing, and communication, prioritize high-impact objectives, and learn from professional players. With dedication and practice, you’ll dominate the rift and climb the ranks in no time.

1. Esports Charts. (n.d.). League of Legends Statistics.
2. League of Legends Esports. (2020). 2020 World Championship.
3. Doublelift. (n.d.). Doublelift’s Twitch Channel.