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Discover the 5 Most Mobile Top Lane Champions in LoL

5 Most Mobile Top Lane Champions in League of Legends

Mobility is crucial in League of Legends, and the Top Lane is no exception. In this article, we will discuss the top five mobile champions and their overall quality as both Top Lane picks and general champions. So, let’s dive right into the list!

5. Akali

Discover the 5 Most Mobile Top Lane Champions in LoL

Akali is known for her incredible speed and mobility. Her kit allows her to constantly engage and disengage from fights, making her a pain to deal with. She excels at playing against ranged top laners and can easily dodge or escape from enemy abilities. With her ultimate, she can cover a huge distance and deal significant damage. However, Akali is a complex champion that requires practice and skill to master.

4. Fiora

Discover the 5 Most Mobile Top Lane Champions in LoL

Fiora heavily relies on her mobility to maximize her potential. Her kit is designed around fast and precise movements, allowing her to engage and deal damage quickly. Her Q ability provides a dash that can be used aggressively or defensively. With the right items and runes, Fiora can be swift and deadly, making her an excellent choice for climbing the ranks in top lane.

3. Kled

Discover the 5 Most Mobile Top Lane Champions in LoL

Kled is a champion built for engaging the enemy team. His kit is designed to be fast and aggressive, allowing him to quickly dive into opponents and deal damage. With multiple dashes and his ultimate ability, Kled can move swiftly across the map and engage in team fights. His ultimate also provides a movement speed boost to his allies, making him a valuable asset in team engagements. Playing Kled can be incredibly fun, especially with his entertaining voice lines.

2. Kennen

Discover the 5 Most Mobile Top Lane Champions in LoL

Kennen is a highly mobile champion that can cause headaches for his opponents. His W ability grants him a significant movement speed boost, allowing him to quickly maneuver around the battlefield. While his W prevents him from attacking, it deals damage to enemies he touches. His ultimate ability is a devastating AOE damage spell that can turn team fights in his favor. Despite my personal dislike for him, I have to admit that Kennen’s mobility and damage make him a formidable top lane pick.

1. Irelia

Discover the 5 Most Mobile Top Lane Champions in LoL

Irelia is known for her high skill cap and difficulty to master. Her mobility is what sets her apart from other champions. Her Q ability allows her to dash and reset her dash upon killing a target, allowing for rapid movement and sustain. Irelia can be elusive, fast, and deadly in the right hands. However, due to her complexity and inconsistent performance, I find it challenging to recommend her to all players. She requires a significant investment of time and practice to excel with.


The Top Lane in League of Legends is filled with mobile champions who excel in engaging their opponents. Akali, Fiora, Kled, Kennen, and Irelia are all champions with exceptional mobility that can make a significant impact on the game. Whether you prefer assassins, fighters, or mages, there is a mobile champion for you in the Top Lane. I hope you’ve found this list informative and enjoyable. Good luck on the Summoner’s Rift!