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Magic Penetration or Ability Power – Which is Superior?

Magic Penetration vs Ability Power – What’s the Better Choice?

Magic penetration and ability power are important stats for ability power champions in League of Legends. It’s crucial to understand when to prioritize one over the other based on the game state and enemy team composition. Let’s take a closer look at why these stats matter.

Magic Penetration or Ability Power – The Decision

In low elo, both magic penetration and ability power can be effective choices. Building items like Rabadon’s Deathcap or Void Staff will amplify your abilities and give you a power spike. However, it’s essential to consider the enemy team’s composition. Magic penetration is effective against champions with high magic resistance, while ability power is better against those with low magic resistance.

It’s important to note that not all champions have magic resistance, so the decision between magic penetration and ability power depends on your role and how you contribute to the team composition.

Champion Pick

While ability power is suitable for a wide range of champions, some champions benefit more from magic penetration. Let’s take a look at a few examples:

Akali, The Rogue Assassin

Akali prefers magic penetration over ability power. A common build for Akali includes Hextech Rocketbelt and Shadowflame, which provide significant magic penetration through their passive effects.

Ekko, The Boy Who Shattered Time

Ekko’s core build consists of Hextech Rocketbelt and Lichbane. However, Void Staff or Shadowflame can be great third item choices depending on the situation.

Evelynn, Agony’s Embrace

Evelynn thrives with Hextech Rocketbelt as her mythic item. Pairing it with Void Staff or a well-stacked Mejai’s Soulstealer makes her a dominant force on the Rift.

Fizz, The Tidal Trickster

Fizz has high burst potential and relies on Luden’s Tempest and Lichbane for his core build. The additional magic penetration from Luden’s enhances his killing potential.

Zoe, The Aspect Of Twilight

Zoe’s build paths prioritize magic penetration. Luden’s Tempest, a stacked Mejai’s Soulstealer, and Void Staff are essential items that amplify her power and make her a formidable threat.

These champions excel in bursting down opponents, making magic penetration a valuable stat for them. However, champions like Kennen and Veigar may prioritize ability power due to their consistent damage output.

Enemy Team Composition – Tanky or Bursty?

When deciding between magic penetration and ability power, it’s crucial to consider the enemy team’s composition. Tanky champions with high magic resistance require magic penetration to take them down effectively. Look out for engage supports, tank tops, CC junglers, and damage-soaking champions. If you’re facing two or more of these champions, magic penetration is a must. Additionally, consider purchasing magic penetration items when laning against these champions to secure kills.

Item Priority – Is It Worth a Spot?

Allocating item slots efficiently is crucial in each match. Magic penetration and ability power mythic items have the same cost efficiency. However, legendary items differ in cost. Magic penetration items like Void Staff can provide an early power spike compared to the higher-cost Rabadon’s Deathcap. Additionally, consider Sorcerer’s Shoes for magic penetration champions and choose between Sorcerer’s Shoes or Ionian Boots of Lucidity for ability power champions.

The Exception – Passive Magic Penetration Gain

Mordekaiser is the only champion in the game that gains magic penetration passively as he levels up. This unique ability eliminates the need for additional magic penetration items for Mordekaiser players.

Parting Thoughts

Choosing between magic penetration and ability power can be confusing. It’s important to plan your build during the loading screen and adapt as necessary during the match. Stick to what you’re comfortable with and remember that skill is more important than items in winning games. Enjoy the game and make the most of your abilities!

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