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Comparing Magic Penetration with Ability Power: Which is Superior?

Magic penetration and ability power are important stats for ability power champions, like mages. They can greatly enhance a champion’s abilities and provide a power spike. However, it’s crucial to understand when to prioritize magic penetration or ability power based on the game situation. Many beginners overlook this and buy the same items every game. In this article, we’ll explain why these stats are different and when to prioritize them.

Both magic penetration and ability power are viable choices in low elo. Whether you build Rabadon’s Deathcap or Void Staff first, they will amplify your abilities and help you become stronger. However, if you want to optimize your gold spending, magic penetration is effective against high magic resistance champions, while ability power is better against champions with low magic resistance.

It can be tricky to decide between magic penetration and ability power since not all champions have magic resistance. Your role and contribution to the team composition also play a role in determining which stat to prioritize.

If you want a better understanding of these stats, keep reading!

Magic Penetration Or Ability Power – The Better Choice

When playing an ability power champion, you have the option to focus on building ability power or prioritizing magic penetration.

Building magic penetration is recommended if the enemy team consists of high magic resistance champions, such as tanks or engage supports. In some cases, the jungler or mid-laner may also play a tank-style champion. For these situations, magic penetration items like Void Staff are ideal.

For other instances, it’s best to focus on ability power. This is because enemy champions with no magic resistance can be easily dealt with using ability power. While you can reduce their base magic resistance that scales with level, it’s not as effective in the long run.

If the enemy team has no magic resistance, ability power is the way to go. It will amplify your abilities, increasing your damage output.

Champion Pick

Some champions benefit more from either magic penetration or ability power. Let’s discuss champions that prefer magic penetration:

Akali, The Rogue Assassin

League of Legends Akali Magic Penetration vs Ability Guide

Akali prefers magic penetration over ability power. A common build for beginners is Hextech Rocketbelt into Shadowflame, which provides a significant amount of magic penetration through Shadowflame’s passive and Hextech Rocketbelt’s mythic passive.

Ekko, The Boy Who Shattered Time

If you’ve played as Ekko, you know the importance of bursting down champions and escaping with your ultimate. His core build is Hextech Rocketbelt into Lichbane, but Void Staff or Shadowflame can also be good options as a third item depending on the situation.

Evelynn, Agony’s Embrace

Evelynn excels at ambushing enemies with her seductive prowess. Hextech Rocketbelt is a solid mythic pickup for her in every matchup. Along with items like Void Staff or a well-stacked Mejai’s Soulstealer, she can dominate the game without being detected by enemies.

Fizz, The Tidal Trickster

League of Legends Fizz Magic Penetration vs Ability Guide

Fizz has a high burst potential and can be frustrating to play against. His core build is Luden’s Tempest into Lichbane, which provides significant magic penetration through Luden’s and enhances his killing potential.

Zoe, The Aspect Of Twilight

Zoe is known for her challenging playstyle. Her build paths prioritize magic penetration. With items like Luden’s Tempest, a stacked Mejai’s Soulstealer, and Void Staff, she can deal significant damage to tanks and even one-shot ADCs.

These champions share a common characteristic: high burst potential. While champions like Kennen and Veigar may not fit into this category, it’s important to remember that burst-style champions benefit more from magic penetration, while champions with consistent damage are better off with ability power.

Enemy Team Composition – Tanky Or Bursty?

League of Legends Enemy Team Composition Magic Penetration vs Ability Guide

Your decision to prioritize magic penetration or ability power should depend on the enemy team composition. Tanky champions are difficult to take down with ability power alone due to their high magic resistance. This can be problematic because if you take too long to eliminate them, their ADCs can finish you off.

While it’s not always easy to determine if the enemy team is tanky, there are certain signs to look out for:

  • Engage supports like Rell, Nautilus, Leona, or Braum
  • Tank top laners such as Ornn, Sion, or Tahm Kench
  • CC-heavy junglers like Sejuani, Rammus, or Amumu
  • Damage-soaking champions like Galio or Shen

If the enemy team has two or more of these champions, it’s crucial to buy magic penetration. It doesn’t have to be your responsibility alone; it depends on who the primary damage dealer is.

Even if you’re facing one of these champions in lane, picking up some magic penetration can help you secure kills and perform better in the laning phase.

Item Priority – Is It Worth A Spot?

Each game, you have a total of six item slots. How you allocate these slots is up to you, but here are some tips to help you decide:

Cost Efficiency

League of Legends Cost Efficiency Magic Penetration vs Ability Guide

In terms of cost efficiency, there’s no difference in the cost of mythic purchases. All ability power/magic penetration mythic items cost 3200 gold each. The difference lies in legendary items.

For more magic penetration, you can reach your second item power spike earlier since Void Staff costs 2800 gold compared to Rabadon’s Deathcap, which costs 3600 gold. This difference in cost can often impact trades.

It’s important to note that Shadowflame is not included in this comparison as it doesn’t provide a base increase in magic penetration. However, it does offer a passive that helps bypass shields, making it a good choice for burst champions who may frequently encounter shields. Additionally, Shadowflame provides 100 base ability power, which is beneficial for burst champions.

Ability power users have a slight advantage over magic penetration champions, especially if they rely on their spells. Magic penetration champions must purchase Sorcerer’s Shoes, which cost 1100 gold. Ability power champions have the option of Sorcerer’s Shoes or Ionian Boots of Lucidity. The Ionian Boots of Lucidity cost 950 gold, making them 150 gold cheaper.

The Exception – Passive Magic Penetration Gain

League of Legends Mordekaiser Magic Penetration vs Ability Guide

There is one champion in League of Legends who gains magic penetration passively as the game progresses: Mordekaiser, The Iron Revenant. He gains 5% magic penetration, which increases with level.

Since Mordekaiser already gains magic penetration through his upgrades, he doesn’t require additional magic penetration items.

Parting Thoughts

Deciding between magic penetration and ability power can be challenging. It’s easy to make mistakes in the fast-paced environment of a match. That’s why it’s essential to plan your build during the loading screen. While you may need to adapt during the game, it’s best to stick with what you’re comfortable with and what works for you. Remember, it’s your skill that wins games, not just the items you buy!

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