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League of Legends players believe Yuumi’s low win rate indicates a successful rework

Yummi’s Reign of Terror is Over: Rework and Nerf Reduce Power

Earlier in 2023, Yummi’s dominance finally came to an end as a rework and nerf significantly weakened the formidable feline.

League of Legends players would typically complain about a failed rework. However, many players are actually pleased not to encounter Yummi anymore, considering the rework and nerfs that swiftly followed Patch 13.5 as a success.

Yuumi’s Abilities Create Imbalance

Yuumi’s abilities transformed skilled ADCs into unstoppable forces in higher ranks, neglecting the goal of helping newer players learn the game. One Reddit user remarked, “Yuumi was designed to lure in people who would rather do household chores while playing League.”

A Success in Competitive Play

Another Reddit user expressed satisfaction, saying, “I haven’t seen her at worlds, so I consider the rework a success.” The consensus is that a champion as newbie-friendly as Yummi should never have been dominating in high elo and competitive gameplay, and most are relieved to see her go.

The Unfun Experience of Playing Against Yummi

For a long time, Yummi was simply not enjoyable to play against. She was untouchable, making it impossible to dive into the backline and eliminate her like other healers. She bestowed significant healing power and damage buffs on her team, leaving opponents with no choice but to try and take down the champion she was attached to. Even after her rework, she needed to be nerfed due to the excessive strength of her Q ability.

Removing an Unfun Champion

Being “outplayed” by a player using an easy character or weapon can be frustrating. In League of Legends, this frustration could persist for almost half an hour, leading to the belief that the game was lost during the champion pick/ban phase. Despite any artistic direction, an unfun champion is still unfun, and it’s a positive development for LoL as a whole that Yuumi has been relegated to the sidelines.

Yuumi, League of Legends, esports, rework, nerf, ADCs, gameplay, champion, competitive play