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League of Legends Patch 14.8 TL;DR: Essential 8 updates in this League patch

League of Legends Patch 14.8: Winners and Losers

League of Legends patches always bring excitement and controversy to the community, and Patch 14.8 is no exception. This patch is particularly significant because it coincides with the MSI, where professional players will be putting their skills to the test. In Patch 14.8, the developers have targeted various roles and champions, with some coming out as clear winners and others as losers.


  • Galio: Despite already receiving damage buffs in the previous patch, Galio continues to struggle in the meta. In Patch 14.8, the developers are giving him additional buffs to bring him up to the desired power level. Although Galio isn’t among the most popular champions for everyday players, his map-wide utility and tankiness make him a great pick for professional players. We can expect to see more of Galio in pro games, especially during the MSI.
  • Hwei: Hwei, the champion with complex combos and a somewhat lower pick rate, is getting a small buff to his ability power damage. This buff should make him more viable and increase his presence on the Rift. Hwei has a stunning design, and it would be a shame to see him underplayed. Additionally, his buff might help diversify the meta and reduce the dominance of champions like Azir.
  • Baron Nashor: Baron Nashor has often felt underwhelming in terms of damage output. In Patch 14.8, the developers are giving him a damage boost to make him more threatening. While they don’t expect him to become overly powerful, the change should discourage players from attempting to solo him. This adjustment will likely promote teamwork and better communication among players, which is always a positive outcome.
  • Top Lane: The top lane in League of Legends has historically felt isolated, with players often being called upon to help with objectives or team fights in other lanes. In Patch 14.8, the developers are adjusting the spawn times of Voidgrubs, hoping to create more attention on the top side of the map. This change aims to reduce objective trading and add more action to the top lane, providing a more engaging experience for top lane players.
  • Zyra, Zed, and Fiddlesticks: The Blood Moon skins for Zyra, Zed, and Fiddlesticks are receiving updates, offering players beautiful and thematic visuals. These updates are a welcome addition for champion mains and fans of the Blood Moon skin line. It’s always exciting to see new skins that enhance the champions’ aesthetic appeal and provide players with more options to express themselves in the game.


  • Zac: Despite having a high win rate in the top and jungle, Zac is seen as uninteresting to play and lacks appeal, especially in the laning phase. The developers have opted to nerf his health regen, which may not address the core issues with the champion. Many players feel that Zac needs more adjustments or changes to his skill set to make him enjoyable to play and to push him further into his jungle role.
  • Zeri: Zeri, a champion who initially launched as overpowered, has undergone several nerfs and tweaks to find a balance. In Patch 14.8, she is receiving further adjustments due to her resurgence in the professional meta. While her win rate remains balanced for everyday players, the developers are nerfing her in response to her increased pick rate among pro players. These adjustments may make her less viable for casual players, especially when facing champions like Mordekaiser and Galio.

Biggest Changes in League Patch 14.8

1) Here’s to more Galio buffs

Gatekeeper Galio splash art in League of Legends
Time for you to shine Galio. Image via Riot Games

Galio, despite receiving buffs in Patch 14.7, still struggles to find success in the current meta. In Patch 14.8, the developers are determined to bring him up to par by providing further buffs. While Galio may not be a popular choice among everyday players, professional players appreciate his map-wide utility, tankiness, and damage potential. Expect to see more of Galio in pro games, especially during the MSI.

2) Hwei should be Hwei better to play

Hwei, known for his complex combos, has struggled to gain popularity among players. In Patch 14.8, he is receiving a small buff to his ability power damage. This adjustment should encourage players to pick up Hwei more frequently and explore his potential. Hwei’s unique design makes him a visually stunning champion, and it would be a shame to see him underutilized. With this buff, Hwei may find his place in the meta and contribute to the diversity of champion choices.

3) Baron Nashor will be tougher to take down

Baron Nasher fighting Ezreal in League of Legends
This is how the Baron should look in games—terrifying. Image via Riot Games

Baron Nashor, the iconic neutral objective, has often been perceived as lacking threat due to his low damage output. In Patch 14.8, the developers are increasing his damage to make him a more formidable adversary. While the changes may not make Baron Nashor overwhelmingly powerful, they should discourage players from attempting to solo him. Team coordination will be crucial when facing the Baron, fostering better communication and cooperation among players.

4) Top lane (via Voidgrub spawn delay)

Voidgrub adjustments should make for a more interesting top lane. Image via Riot Games.
The Voidgrub adjustments should make for a more interesting top lane. Image via Riot Games

The top lane has often felt isolated in League of Legends, with players being called upon to assist with objectives or team fights in other lanes. In Patch 14.8, the developers are modifying the spawn times of Voidgrubs to shift the attention towards the top side of the map. This change aims to reduce objective trading and create more action in the top lane. Players who enjoy the top lane role will have a more engaging experience, while those who prefer solitude may find themselves facing increased activity.

5) Zyra, Zed, and Fiddlesticks’ Blood Moon glow-up

Blood Moon Zyra splash art in League of Legends
Zyra’s Blood Moon skin is beautiful yet deadly. Image via Riot Games

Zyra, Zed, and Fiddlesticks are receiving updates to their Blood Moon skins. These changes bring stunning visuals to the champions, adding to their thematic appeal. The Blood Moon skin line is highly regarded by players for its unique aesthetic and lore. These updates provide players with more options for customization and allow champion mains to exhibit their style on the Rift.

6) Please force Zac more effectively into the jungle

Zac launching himself in the air.
He needs a harder Jungle push. Image via Riot Games

Zac, despite his success in the top and jungle roles, lacks appeal for many players due to perceived dullness, particularly in the laning phase. In Patch 14.8, Zac’s health regen is being nerfed, which may not adequately address the core issues with the champion. Many players feel that Zac requires more significant adjustments or changes to his abilities to make him enjoyable to play and further emphasize his role as a jungler.

7) Mordekaiser’s ult is no longer QSS-able

Mordekaiser slamming his hammer on a planet.
Everyone is buying swift boots and movement speed buffs, right? Image via Riot Games

One of the changes causing mixed reactions is Mordekaiser’s ultimate no longer being cleansable with Quicksilver Sash (QSS). Once caught in Mordekaiser’s ultimate, there is no escape except through death. This adjustment significantly impacts the gameplay dynamics, particularly for squishy champions like ADCs. While some players appreciate the removal of Mordekaiser’s counterplay option, others worry about the lack of countermeasures against his ultimate ability.

8) Zeri? It’s more like zero

Ocean Song Zeri in League of Legends
Pros need her nerfed, while we need her buffed. Image via Riot Games

Zeri, a champion who experienced significant nerfs after an initial period of being overpowered, is once again being adjusted due to her resurgence in the professional meta. Despite having a relatively balanced win rate among ordinary players, Zeri’s core items received buffs, making her more prevalent among professional players. Consequently, the developers are nerfing her health to address her increased strength in the pro meta. However, this adjustment may negatively impact casual players, especially when facing champions like Mordekaiser and Galio.

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