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Latest PBE update features Galaxy Slayer Zed login screen and champion balance changes.

League of Legends: Get Ready for Galaxy Slayer Zed

Exciting news for League of Legends fans! The latest update in the Public Beta Environment brings a new login screen featuring the upcoming skin, Galaxy Slayer Zed. This new addition to the Odyssey skin line lore showcases Zed in a sinister and intergalactic suit, accompanied by a captivating soundtrack.

To visually depict the skin, the login screen shows Zed holding a glowing orb in the foreground, while in the background, the unsuited assassin is also visible. Zed crushes the orb, resulting in a powerful explosion that unveils his menacing, golden armor and giant blades. The music that accompanies the login screen intensifies the overall impact, perfectly capturing the essence of a man who won’t hesitate to eliminate anyone in his path.

Balance Changes and Reverts

Additionally, there have been some balance changes and reverts for certain champions. For instance, Fiora’s Bladework now has its attack speed reverted from 75 percent to 50 percent. Master Yi’s Highlander ability now allows him to walk through units.

Great news for Morgana mains! All the major nerfs she received have been reverted back to their original state. Ornn-only items such as Forgefire Cape, Frozen Fist, and Infernal Mask have received buffs in terms of armor and magic resistance. The changes to Ornn’s E ability, Searing Charge, have also been reverted.

Adjustments for Tanks

Trundle’s Pillar of Ice changes have been reverted, and the cooldown for his ultimate ability has been reduced from 110/90/70 seconds to 100/80/60 seconds. Renekton also saw some buffs to his base HP, attack speed growth, and armor growth. Additionally, his Q ability, Cull the Meek, now has an increased healing multiplier from 3x to 4x. Don’t forget to try out all these new changes on the PBE and see how they affect your favorite champions!

League of Legends, Galaxy Slayer Zed, skin, login screen, balance changes, buffs, reverts, PBE, Fiora, Master Yi, Morgana, Ornn, Trundle, Renekton