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Is Corki AP or AD? – The Ultimate Season 12 LoL Guide

Is Corki AP or AD Champion?

Corki is a versatile champion who can be built as both AP and AD. His recent success comes from a hybrid build that combines both types of damage. Corki’s passive allows him to convert his attack damage to on-hit magic damage, and his abilities scale with both AP and AD. This means that no matter what items you build, Corki will benefit greatly. His abilities can also trigger unique effects from AP and AD items.

Best Item Build for Corki

When it comes to item builds, there are several options for Corki. Here are some of the best items to consider:

  • Luden’s Tempest: This item synergizes well with Corki’s ultimate and has a low cooldown, allowing you to repeatedly proc its effect. It also helps with Corki’s mana loss.
  • Manamune: This item evolves into Muramana, which provides bonus damage with Corki’s DPS abilities and improves his basic attack damage.
  • Ravenous Hydra: This item enhances Corki’s AoE damage and works well with Luden’s Tempest.
  • Maw of Malmortius: This defensive item provides ability haste, bonus AD, and omnivamp for sustain.
  • Shadowflame: A new item that deals bonus magic damage against tanks and provides additional AP for ability damage.
  • Ionian boots: Cooldown reduction helps Corki spam his abilities more frequently.

Best Runes for Corki

Here are some recommended runes for Corki:

  • First Strike: This rune replaces Electrocute and deals bonus damage on your first ability hit. It synergizes well with Luden’s Tempest.
  • Magical Footwear: This rune allows you to focus on building offensive items during the early game.
  • Biscuit Delivery: A sustain rune that provides a free potion and bonus mana during the laning phase.
  • Timewarp Tonic: This rune works well with Biscuit Delivery and provides a mini heal during trades.

When to Pick Corki

Corki is best picked when the enemy team lacks gap closers and has squishy champions. He is a squishy champion himself and relies on his E for self-peel. Corki can easily one-shot squishy opponents once he has his core items. However, he struggles against late-game carries like Vayne. Your playstyle should depend on your ultimate range.


Corki is a powerful champion with the ability to counter opponents and adapt to different item builds. However, he shines the most in the late game. It’s important to play it safe during the early to mid-game and avoid falling behind. Falling behind can make it difficult for Corki to catch up and contribute to the game.