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Is Akshan AP or AD? – The Ultimate Season 12 League of Legends Guide

Akshan: The Innovative and Flexible Champion

Akshan is a unique champion in the world of esports with his special mobility spell known as the grappling hook. This innovative ability makes him an extremely flexible pick, allowing him to be played in both the top and mid lane. When played as an ADC, he requires an aggressive playstyle to compete with other ADC champions who may outscale him. Akshan is a well-rounded champion who excels from the early to late game, but falling behind the enemy ADC can make it difficult for him to make a comeback.

Is Akshan AP or AD?

Akshan is primarily an ADC champion with all AD scaling. This means that AP items are not effective on him. His passive ability depends on his basic attacks, making it clear that he is an AD champion. However, he can still utilize on-hit AP items like Nashor’s Tooth in his build. In general, Akshan is built with pure AD items and can adapt his build depending on the enemy team composition, choosing items with on-hit effects like Blade of the Ruined King or Wit’s End against tank champions and items like Galeforce or The Collector against squishy champions.

Best Runes for Akshan

The best runes for Akshan are Press the Attack, which synergizes well with his passive and grappling hook, Presence of Mind for mana restoration, Legend: Bloodline for lifesteal, and the defensive runes Shieldbash and Bone Plating.

Which Lane Can You Play Akshan?

Akshan can be played in all three offensive lanes: top, mid, and bottom. His grappling hook is a versatile tool for chasing, disengaging, and positioning, making him a strong pick in any lane. In the top lane, he can easily outplay melee champions with his grappling hook, poking them from a safe distance and using his ability to escape their retaliation.

Akshan’s Greatest Asset

Akshan’s greatest asset is his passive ability, which allows him to revive teammates when he kills the champion who killed them. Regardless of the number of kills, Akshan can revive all of his teammates, making him a vital asset in securing major objectives and pushing the team forward.


Akshan is a powerful AD champion with unique mobility and gameplay mechanics. It’s important to understand his strengths and weaknesses to make the most of his abilities when playing as him. With the right build and strategy, Akshan can be a formidable force on the battlefield.