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How to Master Teamfighting as a Support in League of Legends

Support in League of Legends is a crucial role that involves helping your teammates and disrupting the enemy. Supports must navigate the map and make plays without much gold.

As a support, your main responsibilities are to gain vision and track summoner spells before teamfights. Tank supports engage and act as frontline, while enchanters stay with the carry to provide healing and shielding. All supports should use their items and spells to protect their carry.

Since supports can’t afford to invest heavily in runes and items, they must play carefully to avoid becoming easy targets for the enemy team while still supporting their own carries.

## Setting Up Before The Fight

Teamfights in League of Legends often occur around specific objectives or moments in the game. As a support, you should be aware of these upcoming teamfights and prepare accordingly to increase your chances of winning.

## Time Summoner Spells

Supports have the advantage of being able to look at the game state, check lanes, and keep track of what’s happening on the map. Take note of the timing when opponents use summoner spells and communicate it in chat. This information can be used strategically in teamfights, such as focusing the carry if they don’t have flash available.

## Gain & Deny Vision

Supports are the primary source of vision for their team. Use your support item to place wards and switch to Oracle Lens to clear out enemy wards. When it comes to objectives like Baron and Dragon, make sure to ward the surrounding areas and deny the enemy’s vision to make it riskier for them to contest.

## Teamfighting Based On Class

Supports have a wide variety of champion options, and teamfighting strategies differ depending on the type of champion and the role they play.

### Tank

Tank supports are commonly seen in high elo. They have strong engage tools and often take the frontline role in teamfights. Their job is to lock down the enemy carry and peel for their own carry when needed.

### Mage

Mages are popular in low elo as supports. They bring a lot of damage to the table and act as sub-DPS carries. Their goal is to output as much damage as possible before potentially dying, allowing their team to clean up and win teamfights.

### Enchanter

Enchanters focus on supporting and buffing their teammates. They aim to keep their carries alive and provide healing, shielding, and other utility. Enchanters tend to stay in the backline during teamfights and prioritize survival.

## Your Job In Teamfights

During teamfights, as a support, you should focus on the following aspects to assist your team as much as possible:

### Engage

Tank supports excel at finding engage opportunities. They can engage on the enemy team and disrupt their positioning. Be aware of your engage range and use flash if necessary. Always consider the summoner spell cooldowns of your opponents and the position of their teammates.

### Peel

Peeling for your carry is crucial. Position yourself close to your carry to quickly respond if the enemy tries to engage or dive them. Tank supports like Braum and Tahm Kench are especially effective in peeling, while enchanters rely on their disruption and healing/shielding abilities.

### Following Up

Be ready to follow up on engages initiated by your teammates, even if you’re not the primary engage tool. Assess the situation and decide whether it’s worth risking your own life to save a teammate or if you should focus on keeping your carry safe.

### Use Items & Spells

As a support, make sure to utilize your support items before dying. Items like Locket of the Iron Solari and Knight’s Vow can be instrumental in peeling for your team or sharing damage. Enchanters can make good use of Redemption for healing and damage. Use your summoner spells strategically and don’t be afraid to use flash for surprise plays or to escape death.

## Conclusion

Supports play a crucial role in teamfights, enabling their teammates and disabling the enemy. Despite the sacrifices they make for their carry, supports can turn the tide of battles with their abilities and summoner spells. For more similar content, check out our LoL tank teamfight guide.