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Introducing the Latest League of Legends Patch 13.8 Notes

The 2023 Mid-Season Invitational update has arrived for League of Legends Patch 13.8, bringing buffs to several champions. Riot Games developers aim to diversify the jungle meta before the start of MSI 2023 on May 2. Nidalee, Lillia, Poppy, and Kha’Zix are among the champions receiving buffs according to the announcement made by balance boss Riot Phroxzon. On the other hand, champions like Rakan, Jarvan IV, Aurelion Sol, and Malphite are being nerfed. In addition to champion changes, the April update will also introduce new Inkshadow skins for champions like Yasuo, Yone, Aurelion Sol, and Udyr.

League Patch 13.8 is scheduled to release on Wednesday, April 19. The update will roll out worldwide, starting in Australia at around 10am (AEST). The patch rollout times for other major League servers are as follows:
– 3am PT (NA)
– 5am GMT (EU West)
– 3am CET (EU North East)
– 8am KR (Korea)

During the patch implementation, there will be several hours of downtime where matchmaking and competitive queues will be disabled.

In terms of champion changes, patch 13.8 focuses on buffing champions rather than nerfing them to create a balanced meta for MSI 2023. A total of eleven champions will receive buffs, including Nidalee, Lillia, Kha’Zix, and Poppy. Four champions will be nerfed: Rakan, Jarvan IV, Malphite, and Aurelion Sol. Cosmic Drive is the only item being changed in this patch.

The Dawnbringer versus Nightbringer thematic returns with this update. Four champions will receive skins: Dawnbringer Vayne, Dawnbringer Renekton, Nightbringer Jarvan IV, and Nightbringer Nasus. These skins will be permanently available for purchase starting April 20.

The patch notes for League Patch 13.8 can be found on the official League of Legends website.

The changes to champions in Patch 13.8 include various adjustments to their abilities, stats, and mechanics. Notable changes include reductions in Aurelion Sol’s health and attack range growth, an increase in Ezreal’s base attack damage, an increase in Garen’s base attack damage and armor, an increase in Janna’s W damage and E decay delay, a reduction in Jarvan IV’s attack damage growth and Q damage, reductions in Kayn’s Shadow Assassin bonus move speed and cooldown, an increase in Kha’Zix’s Q base damage, various changes to Kog’Maw’s passive, Q, and E, increases in Leona’s W bonus armor and magic resist and magic damage, various changes to Lillia’s monster and champion healing, reductions in Malphite’s W’s first auto-attack base damage and cleave armor ratio, increases in Nidalee’s base armor and armor growth, and increases in Poppy’s Q target health damage and W bonus resistances.

The item changes in Patch 13.8 focus on Cosmic Drive, which sees an increase in ability power and a modification to its unique passive called “Spelldance.”

The behavioral systems in this patch include the addition of reporting functionality in Match History and a visual update for the Challenges Page.

Bug fixes and quality-of-life changes are also included in this patch. Several bugs related to champion abilities, items, and game mechanics have been addressed and fixed.

The skins introduced in this patch are Inkshadow Aurelion Sol, Inkshadow Kai’Sa, Inkshadow Udyr, Inkshadow Yasuo, and Inkshadow Yone. These skins have accompanying videos that can be viewed on YouTube.

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