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How to Achieve an S Grade as an ADC in League of Legends?

In every League of Legends game, the ADC role is crucial and enjoyable. They have the power to carry games, but also the responsibility to do so. This article will provide tips on how to succeed as an ADC.

10 Tips to Get An S Rank As An ADC

Understanding runes and summoner spells is important for ADCs. Choose the appropriate runes for your champion to maximize their strength.

Building a champion pool is essential. Relying on just one champion is risky, as they can be countered or banned. Stay updated with the latest changes and adjust your pool accordingly.

Synergy with your support is crucial. Communicate with your teammates during champion selection to choose champions that work well together.

Counter-picking can give you an early advantage. Knowing the weaknesses of your opponent’s champion and counter-picking can help you win trades.

Level 2 all-ins are powerful. Clearing the first two minion waves quickly to reach level 2 before your opponent can give you an advantage in trades.

Farming is your primary source of gold. Focus on last-hitting minions and avoid missing opportunities to farm.

Wave management is important. Freezing in front of turrets, slow-pushing, and hard-pushing all have their advantages depending on the situation.

Build items based on the game. Consider the enemy team composition and adjust your build accordingly.

Trading in lane requires awareness. Understand the strength of your opponent at different levels and take advantage of their ability cooldowns.

Map awareness is crucial. Be aware of the enemy jungler and other lanes to avoid ganks and coordinate with your team.

Playing the ADC role comes with responsibility, but also the potential to carry the team. Focus on your performance, prioritize farming, and work well with your team to achieve success.


The ADC role in League of Legends is important and carries a lot of responsibility. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting an S rank and effectively contribute to your team’s success.