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Top 5 Ideal Supports for Vayne in League of Legends

Vayne is a popular ADC champion in the bot lane who excels at taking down teams in the late game. However, she needs support champions who can provide her with protection and survivability. Here are five of the best support champions to pair with Vayne ADC.

1. Blitzcrank:
Blitzcrank is a dominant force in the early game with his rocket grab ability. The threat of a single hook can lead to kills or summoner spell burns. Blitzcrank’s high kill pressure in lane makes him a great support for Vayne.

2. Yuumi:
Yuumi is an enchanter support who can boost the movement speed and stats of her allies. With the right utility items, she can enhance Vayne’s power and make her virtually unstoppable.

3. Soraka:
Soraka is known for her powerful healing abilities and is excellent at babysitting champions. With Soraka by her side, Vayne’s health will hardly ever reach zero.

4. Lulu:
Lulu is a versatile support who can both enchant and peel for Vayne. Her ultimate can turn Vayne into a tanky ADC, and her polymorph ability is valuable for early game kills.

5. Braum:
Braum is a protective support with crowd control abilities. His passive works well with Vayne’s condemn ability, leading to a chain of crowd control. Braum’s shield and defensive stats increase Vayne’s survivability.

Each of these support champions has a different playstyle for each phase of the game.

For example:

– Early Game Playstyle: In the early game, Blitzcrank should focus on landing hooks that can lead to Vayne’s condemn. Yuumi should play safe and poke enemies when possible. Soraka should heal Vayne whenever enemies try to poke her. Lulu should play passively and engage enemies when the opportunity arises. Braum should engage enemies when his Q lands and protect Vayne with his shield.

– Mid Game Playstyle: Blitzcrank’s value remains high throughout the game, but he should try to roam and come back to protect Vayne. Yuumi should help Vayne find kills and boost her stats when she is on a chase. Soraka should build utility items and heal Vayne from a distance. Lulu can play aggressively, and Braum should protect Vayne during team fights.

– Late Game Playstyle: Vayne’s late-game damage is potent, and the support champions should focus on peeling for her. They should build utility items to enhance her survivability. Soraka’s heals, Lulu’s spells, and Braum’s ultimate can protect Vayne as she takes down enemies.

By choosing the right support champion to pair with Vayne, players can maximize her potential and dominate the game.