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Guide to Applying Map Pressure in League of Legends

Understanding Map Pressure and Its Importance in League of Legends

Map pressure and lane pressure are crucial tactics in League of Legends, and their significance should never be underestimated. While these strategies may seem high-level, they are actually quite simple to understand and apply. In this guide, we will discuss what map pressure is and the best ways to exert it to gain an advantage in your games.

What is Map Pressure?

Map pressure refers to the strategies and techniques used to push your opponents back and limit their farming opportunities. The goal is to secure various objectives like the Drake, Herald, Baron Nashor, and enemy jungle buffs. By exerting map pressure, you can control the flow of the game and create advantageous situations for your team.

The Best Ways to Apply Map Pressure

There are simple and effective techniques that you can utilize to apply map pressure in your games. These techniques depend on the state of the game and can provide you with a significant advantage. Let’s explore some of these techniques:

Pick Phase

The concept of pressure comes into play even during the champion select phase. By picking champions that counter your opponents’ picks, you can dominate your lane from the start. For example, choosing a ranged champion against melee laners can give you a significant advantage. Understanding counter-picks and utilizing websites for suggestions can help you make the right choices.


Securing vision on the map is crucial for exerting map pressure. Place wards in strategic locations to track the movements of the enemy team. This includes important areas like the drake pit, Baron Nashor, and the red and blue buff camps. Having vision in these areas allows you to make informed decisions and catch the enemy team off guard. Remember to deward when necessary to maintain your advantage.

Map Pressure Vision League of Legends Complete Guide

The Rift Herald

The Rift Herald can be a game-changing objective if utilized correctly. Take control of the Herald by having vision in its vicinity. This enables you to contest the enemy team and secure the Herald for your team. Use the Herald to put pressure on losing lanes or further strengthen winning lanes. The Herald can create panic and force the enemy team to make crucial decisions.

Map Pressure Rift Herald League of Legends Complete Guide


Split-pushing is another effective way to exert map pressure. By constantly threatening different lanes, you force the enemy team to make difficult choices. This strategy can divide their attention and create favorable situations for your team. Top laners like Trundle and Jax excel at split-pushing and can quickly take down enemy inhibitors.

Map Pressure Split-Pushing League of Legends Complete Guide

In Conclusion

Map pressure is a powerful strategy that can lead to victory in your games. By understanding and applying these techniques, you can create a sense of dread and stress in your opponents. Remember to adapt your strategies based on the state of the game and make informed decisions to maximize your map pressure. Good luck, and have fun!