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Gen.G secures reverse sweep against KT Rolster in first week of LCK’s Summer Split

Gen.G Defeats KT Rolster in Intense Three-Game Series

Gen.G emerged victorious in a thrilling three-game series against KT Rolster in week one of the League Champions Korea. Mid laner Gwak “Bdd” Bo-seong and support Kim “Kellin” Hyeong-gyu were the standout players of the match, earning the MVP votes for their exceptional performances. In the third game, Bdd played Azir, countering the opponent’s Twisted Fate roams, while Kellin played Karma in the second game, going deathless and providing crucial support to his team.

KT’s Dynamic Duo Reunites, But Gen.G Prevails

KT fielded Kuro and Smeb, who recently reunited after a 1,336-day separation. The last time they played together was at the 2016 World Championship semifinals under ROX Tigers. Although they put up a good fight, Gen.G ultimately emerged as the winners.

A Close Match with Gen.G’s Domination

In the first game, KT took an early lead by securing dragons and putting pressure on the Gen.G roster. However, Gen.G’s unstoppable push after securing the Mountain Dragon Soul proved too much for KT. Despite Aphelios’ efforts to defend their base, Ezreal’s power was unmatched.

The second game started off evenly, but Gen.G gained early advantages that translated into a significant gold lead. KT’s attempt to secure the Baron for a comeback fell short as Gen.G exhibited swift shot-calling and closed in on the KT members in the Baron pit.

In the pivotal third game, KT had the chance to prove themselves as a top-tier team, while Gen.G aimed to defend their pride and honor. Although KT secured early kills, Gen.G traded their lives for early dragons. Once they obtained the Ocean Dragon Soul, KT struggled to match the damage output of Gen.G’s carries.

Gen.G’s Impressive Performance and Meta Shifts

Throughout the Spring Split, Gen.G displayed dominance with 14 series wins and only 4 losses. However, they faced a tough challenge from T1, who defeated them in both encounters this season. While their performance in the Summer Split is not as dominant, it could be influenced by recent meta shifts in League of Legends.

Gen.G, KT Rolster, League Champions Korea, esports, Bdd, Kellin, Azir, Karma, ROX Tigers, World Championship, Mountain Dragon Soul, Baron, Ezreal, Ocean Dragon Soul, T1, Spring Split, Summer Split, Meta Shifts