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First LPL Team Confirmed for MSI 2024 with an Unbelievable Backdoor Play

Bilibili Gaming Clinches Spot in 2024 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational

Bilibili Gaming (BLG) secured a place in the highly anticipated 2024 League of Legends (LoL) Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) after a thrilling 3-2 victory over Top Esports (TES) in the LPL Spring Split upper bracket final. The intense series captivated fans and casters alike, with the final game showcasing a daring move by BLG’s top laner, Bin, on his Twisted Fate.

Back and Forth Battle between BLG and TES

Throughout the series, both teams traded victories, with each team getting an edge when playing on the blue side of the map. However, in the decisive fifth game, BLG managed to gain a slight advantage over their opponents. It wasn’t their side’s advantage that dealt the final blow to TES, but rather Bin’s unexpected play.

BLG at MSI 2023 in London.
A little trickery never hurt. Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

The Breathtaking Play by BLG’s Bin

As the final game unfolded, it became clear that neither team was willing to go down without a fight. TES tried to regain control of the map through neutral objectives, but Bin had a surprise in store for them. In a move that left fans and commentators speechless, Bin executed a bold backdoor maneuver. While TES focused on securing the Chemtech Drake soul, Bin seized the opportunity to slip past the enemy jungle and launch a devastating assault on TES’s base.

BLG’s Hard-Fought Victory

With the bot lane outer turret already weakened, Bin’s attack-speed Twisted Fate swiftly tore through the inhibitor, making his way to the Nexus’ towers. In just 10 seconds, the towers crumbled under the pressure, securing BLG’s victory. The team celebrated their hard-fought triumph, securing their spot in the MSI and establishing themselves as a formidable force on the international stage.

BLG’s Road to the MSI

With this victory, BLG qualified for their first international event of the season, which will take place in China in May. Last year, BLG secured their qualification for the MSI as the region’s second seed, having lost in the Spring Grand Final to JD Gaming (JDG). History could repeat itself this year, as JDG will face TES in the lower bracket final. The outcome of this match will determine the second team from the LPL to compete in MSI 2024. However, JDG is seen as the favorite to reach the Grand Finals and potentially face BLG once again.

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