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Complete Guide to Building Full AP Tryndamere

Tryndamere’s Unique Ability Power Build Guide for League of Legends

Tryndamere, the Barbarian King, is known for his high physical damage and DPS in League of Legends. However, there has been a recent trend of trying out ability power builds on this champion with great success.

Contrary to popular belief, building ability power on Tryndamere can be highly effective. While it may seem unusual at first, Tryndamere actually has high ability power ratios in his “Spinning Slash” and “Bloodlust” abilities.

So why is ability power useful on Tryndamere? There are several reasons. Firstly, the increased healing from Bloodlust allows Tryndamere to sustain in lane for extended periods of time. Even while split pushing, it becomes nearly impossible to force him to leave the lane when he has ability power. Additionally, the damage of Spinning Slash scales well with ability power.

Now that we understand the benefits of ability power on Tryndamere, the next question is which items to build. Not all ability power items are effective on him, so it’s important to know the optimal build paths from runes to the complete build for different situations.


Tryndamere benefits greatly from attack speed, even in an ability power build. The best keystone for him is “Lethal Tempo,” although “Conqueror” can also be effective depending on the situation. Other recommended runes include “Triumph,” “Legend: Alacrity” or “Legend: Tenacity,” and “Last Stand” from the Precision page. As for the secondary rune page, either the Resolve page or Sorcery page can be chosen based on personal preference and playstyle.

Early Game

For the early game, starting items like “Doran’s Ring,” “Doran’s Shield,” or “Doran’s Blade” are viable options. “Doran’s Shield” is often considered the best starting item for its lane stability. Additionally, rushing “Leeching Leer” for the “Riftmaker” build path or “Fiendish Codex” for the “Night Harvester” build path can be helpful.

Mythic Items

The two major Mythic item options for ability power Tryndamere are “Night Harvester” and “Riftmaker.” The choice between them depends on the game situation and enemy team composition. “Night Harvester” is better against squishy or low-health teams, providing burst potential and ability haste. On the other hand, “Riftmaker” is more suitable for longer fights against tanky or high-resistance champions, offering true damage and omnivamp.

Core Items

The core items for ability power Tryndamere consist of “Nashor’s Tooth” and “Cosmic Drive.” “Nashor’s Tooth” provides attack speed, ability power, and on-hit magic damage, synergizing well with Tryndamere’s kit. “Cosmic Drive” offers health, ability power, ability haste, and additional movement speed in combat. These items are essential and should not be replaced with any other options.

Complete Build

After completing the Mythic and core items, the final two item slots can be customized based on the game situation. “Rabadon’s Deathcap” and “Lich Bane” are recommended choices for maximizing damage output. However, other items like “Demonic Embrace” or “Oblivion Orb” can be considered depending on the enemy team composition and their healing capabilities.

Defensive Items

If defensive items are needed, adjustments should be made to the build. “Zhonya’s Hourglass” can be built for physical damage resistance, while “Banshee’s Veil” is effective against magic damage. It’s important to note that adding defensive items may require sacrificing some aggressive items from the core build.

By building ability power on Tryndamere, you transform him into a champion with high sustain and damage output. His innate healing surpasses that of most bruiser champions, and the damage from his abilities remains formidable. This unique playstyle can make Tryndamere a difficult opponent to deal with, especially in split-pushing scenarios.

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