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Cloud9 remains unbeaten as they defeat Team Liquid in the 2020 LCS Summer Split.

Cloud9 Maintains Dominance with Fifth Consecutive Win in LCS Summer Split

Cloud9 showcased their supremacy in North America by securing their fifth win in the 2020 LCS Summer Split against a tenacious Team Liquid.

Jungler Robert “Blaber” Huang, unable to play his signature Olaf due to a ban, opted for Lee Sin to fuel his early aggression. Although Cloud9’s midlaner, Yasin “Nisqy” Dinçer, was neutralized by Team Liquid’s Nicolaj “Jensen” Jensen on Twisted Fate, Cloud9 managed to maintain control.

Jensen effectively utilized his ultimate ability to make plays in the side lanes and propel top laner Jung “Impact” Eon-yeong on Aatrox. Despite Team Liquid’s success in early skirmishes, Cloud9’s superior objective control ultimately secured them victory. They acquired the second Rift Herald to break open the mid lane, followed by securing the Ocean Soul and a subsequent skirmish win. They then secured a free Baron, converted it into an inhibitor, and achieved a sub-30-minute win.

Cloud9’s reputation for closing games efficiently remained intact, but this time they faced a tougher challenge in acquiring a lead.

Team Liquid exhibited glimpses of their previous form since last year’s Summer Split. Even their adversaries acknowledged the transformation from their previous underwhelming performance. In a post-match interview with Riot’s “Rivington” Bisland III, Cloud9 ADC Jesper “Zven” Svenningsen admitted that Team Liquid was the only team to defeat them in a scrim setting.

“If anyone was going to beat us, we thought it was gonna be them or Evil Geniuses, but after [Team Liquid] lost to EG, that made us feel better,” Zven stated.

Upcoming Matches for Cloud9 and Team Liquid

Both Cloud9 and Team Liquid will enter their next matches as favorites. Cloud9 will face Dignitas on Saturday, while Team Liquid will compete against Immortals on Sunday.