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Checking for Available Names in League of Legends

If you’re looking to check for available names in League of Legends, there are a few different methods you can use. Some can be done within the client itself, while others require third-party applications or using your browser. In this article, we’ll cover all the ways you can check for the availability of an IGN in League of Legends.

1. Checking in the Client

Using The Store Page

In the League of Legends client, you can find the store page where you can change and check the availability of an IGN. When you want to change your name, you’ll need to enter it in a form to see if it’s available. Keep in mind that you can only use letters and spaces when entering your IGN.

Once you’ve typed in your desired IGN, click “Check Availability.” If a green checkmark appears, it means the name is available and you can use it without it being a duplicate of someone else’s IGN.

Using the Profile Page

On the profile page of the client, there’s a form in the upper right-hand corner where you can enter an IGN and check the profile of another account. If the IGN exists, you’ll be redirected to that account’s profile page where you can view details about their account, such as their rank and match history.

If the IGN you typed leads you to another person’s profile page, it means that name is already taken, and you’ll need to choose another or find a different variant of your desired IGN.

2. Checking in the Browser

Using the Search Options of or

An excellent way to check for available names is by using web applications like or These applications allow you to change the League of Legends server you want to check. For example, if you’re in North America but want to play on the Korean server, you can simply change the server setting in these applications and search for the IGN you want. If it returns a profile page, it means that IGN is already taken in that region.

These applications are also useful for scouting your opponents while playing League of Legends. You can gain an early advantage by using this feature to ban their most used champions or the ones they have the highest win rate on. So not only will you find out if an IGN is available, but you’ll also have a way to scout your enemies or allies during the pick and ban phase.