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Guide: Mastering Early Game Farming in League of Legends

In the world of esports, there’s a common obsession with kills. However, winning the game is what truly matters. Kills don’t guarantee victory, and the early stages of a game can often reveal its outcome. That’s why the laning phase is crucial. Here, we’ll explore the importance of farming and how it can improve your early game. Let’s dive in.

Mind Your Minions

In the early game, focusing on farming minions should be your priority. Sometimes, going for safe farm is better than risking a kill attempt. This ensures you get the gold you need, especially for AD carries who heavily rely on items. By farming efficiently, you’ll become a significant damage dealer in the late game. Aim for around 7-8 minion kills per minute instead of chasing the ideal 10.

Map Awareness

Map awareness is crucial in understanding the game’s flow. Be aware of both enemy and allied champions’ positions. This information will guide your decision-making process, such as whether to push a lane, farm neutral camps, or freeze the lane. After the first turrets fall, it becomes even more important to stay close to your turret to avoid danger from enemy turrets.

Opportunity Costs

To improve your farming, learn to make the best use of your time. Consider your opportunity cost – what you could be doing instead. For example, in a siege situation, assess if it’s better to farm neutral camps or make a risky push for a turret. Constantly thinking about your options will sharpen your decision-making skills and maximize your productivity during the match.

Farm vs. Clash

Knowing when to farm and when to engage in team fights is essential. Don’t be tempted to jump in when an ally gets picked off. Instead, consider farming and being proactive in other ways. Picking off an ally provides valuable information about enemy positions, guiding you to safer farming locations. Conversely, it can also present an opportunity for your team to initiate a clash if you have an advantage. Be strategic and choose your battles wisely.

Don’t Get Triggered

It’s important to stay mentally focused and avoid getting triggered, which can lead to mistakes and toxic behavior. Mute players who are causing distractions and focus on the game. Remember, out of sight, out of mind.


While these tips and strategies are helpful, nothing beats practice and experience. Play enough games to gain a sense of what works best for you and your champion. Practice last hitting minions and learn when to trade or play passively. Enjoy the game, prioritize gold, and become familiar with your champion’s abilities. Experience will make you a better farmer in the early game.