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AP Zeri: The Ultimate Build Guide

Zeri: The AP Build Guide for League of Legends

Zeri is a powerful ADC champion known for her mobility and high damage output. However, some players have started experimenting with Zeri in the mid-lane, opting for an AP build. This unconventional playstyle focuses on maximizing her W ability to deal massive amounts of damage without the enemy even realizing it.

To play AP Zeri effectively, it’s important to prioritize leveling up your W and purchasing the right items. Additionally, selecting the correct runes and relying on your AP abilities for damage are crucial elements. In this article, we will provide you with a complete build guide for AP Zeri, along with tips on how to play her successfully and frustrate your opponents.

Runes for AP Zeri

To optimize AP Zeri’s poke damage, it’s essential to choose the appropriate runes. The recommended rune setup includes:

– First Strike: This rune is particularly effective when you hit the enemy with your W, dealing additional damage during the laning phase.
– Magical Footwear: Useful for gaining movement speed and saving gold on buying boots.
– Future’s Market: Allows you to take out loans for purchasing items, granting flexibility in your early-game build.
– Cosmic Insight: Reduces the cooldown of your summoner spells, enhancing your overall mobility and playstyle.
– Eyeball Collection: Provides bonus damage after earning takedowns, allowing you to scale in power.
– Treasure Hunter: Increases your gold income when getting takedowns, complementing your First Strike rune.

Items for AP Zeri

In terms of itemization, the AP build for Zeri differs from the traditional ADC build. Here’s a recommended full build for AP Zeri:

– Sorcerer’s Shoes: Provides magic penetration for increased damage output.
– Luden’s Tempest: Amplifies your damage and helps with wave clear, especially when combined with your W ability.
– Shadowflame: Enhances your damage against opponents with magic resistance, making it particularly effective against champions with shields.
– Muramana: Increases your mana sustain and contributes to your overall damage output.
– Rabadon’s Deathcap: Grants a significant boost to your AP, allowing you to deal massive damage.
– Mejai’s Soulstealer: Offers additional AP and rewards you for successful kills and assists.

Note that the rest of the items may vary depending on the game situation. However, following the suggested items above will provide you with an enjoyable gameplay experience as AP Zeri, while also ensuring increased mana sustainability.

Playstyle as AP Zeri

Your playstyle as AP Zeri will be similar to that of AD Zeri, with a few notable differences. Instead of relying on auto attacks, your primary focus should be on utilizing your W ability as much as possible. This will effectively poke the enemy laner and force them to retreat. Additionally, your ultimate ability will deal significant damage due to its AP scaling.

During the laning phase, prioritize poking the enemy with your W and farming minions. Keep in mind that basic attacks will not be as effective, so avoid engaging in auto-attack fights with your opponent. Focus on playing safe and conserving mana until you have your core items or increased mana regeneration.

When using your W ability, try to fire it through walls or your turret to empower it. This will significantly increase its range and damage output. Additionally, make sure to keep your distance from the enemy and seize opportunities to poke them down before engaging in all-out fights.

Overall, the AP build for Zeri offers a different playstyle that emphasizes poke damage and bursting down opponents. By following this guide and mastering AP Zeri’s unique playstyle, you’ll be able to surprise your enemies and dominate the mid-lane.