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7 Top Tank Champions for Climbing Ranked Games More Efficiently

The Top Lane: A Competitive Yet Relaxed Place in League of Legends

Playing in the top lane of League of Legends can be both exciting and unpredictable. It’s a place where two players face off against each other, battling it out for dominance. Sometimes, you’ll find top laners engaged in intense combat, with their teammates offering advice or warnings. Other times, you might see top laners peacefully farming minions and trading blows casually.

One way to gain an advantage in the top lane is by picking the right champion to counter your enemy. However, killing your opponent isn’t the only path to victory. The jungle role can play a significant role in determining the outcome of a top lane match. A skilled jungler can help you secure kills and objectives, while a struggling jungler might inadvertently feed your opponent.

In League of Legends, there are various types of top laners. Some excel at split pushing, such as Teemo, Nasus, and Camille. Others thrive as tanks, capable of soaking up damage while remaining unscathed, like Dr. Mundo. And then there are those who combine split pushing, tankiness, and high damage output, such as Sett, Darius, Riven, and Rumble.

7. Yorick

Yorick may not be the most popular top lane champion in League of Legends, but he is certainly not boring or ineffective. With his ability to summon minions, Yorick can quickly clear waves and destroy towers. He excels at split pushing and has a low cooldown on his Q ability, allowing him to deal significant damage to enemy turrets. Yorick is often played as a tank and can engage under enemy turrets without fear.

6. Sett

Sett is an exceptional fighter who can deal massive damage to his opponents. His shield provides protection and bonus damage based on his grit. Sett is a fast farmer, allowing him to push the lane and gain an advantage. He relies on his crowd control abilities to stun and attack his enemies. While he lacks mobility, Sett’s powerful punches and damage amplification against high-health enemies make him a formidable top lane champion.

5. Darius

Darius is a popular pick against melee champions due to his immense damage output. He excels in 1v1 battles and can sustain large amounts of damage. Darius lacks mobility but compensates with his ability to apply debilitating bleeding effects to his opponents. His powerful axe swings can turn the tide of any top lane matchup.

4. Jax

Jax is a straightforward champion and one of the best tank top laners in League of Legends. His basic kit deals significant damage, making him a formidable opponent. With the right items and build, Jax can become unstoppable. His stun ability allows him to quickly engage enemies, and his split-push potential can single-handedly carry games.

3. Irelia

Irelia is currently one of the strongest and most popular champions in League of Legends. Players often play her both in the mid and top lane. With her Q ability, Irelia can dash between minions and champions, making her highly mobile. Her E ability provides valuable stuns to fend off enemies. Irelia’s power lies in her build and items, allowing her to dominate matches when played correctly.

2. Tahm Kench

Tahm Kench is currently a dominant force in the top lane. He deals significant damage and has a range of abilities at his disposal. His Q slows enemies, making it difficult for them to escape. He can use his W to teleport near enemies and unleash devastating attacks. Tahm Kench’s E ability allows him to generate armor, making him a nuisance to deal with.

1. Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo is undoubtedly the best tank top laner in League of Legends. He boasts incredible tankiness, sometimes reaching 5,000 HP in the late game. Dr. Mundo adapts his build to counter the enemy team’s composition, making him nearly unstoppable. His ultimate ability allows him to heal and move quickly, making him invincible for a short duration. Dr. Mundo is a fun and challenging champion to play, relying on his health pool rather than mana for abilities. His machete and briefcase attacks deal tremendous damage to anyone in his path.

Remember, playing in the top lane can be both challenging and rewarding. The key to success lies in careful champion selection, effective jungler coordination, and mastering the unique abilities of each top lane champion.