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High Elo Wukong Jungle Path – Optimal Jungle Routes for Wukong in Season 12

In the early days of League, only a few champions were effective in the Jungle role. But now, nearly all champions can play in the Jungle, including Wukong. Wukong, who is usually seen in the Top Lane, actually has great potential as a Jungler. In this guide, we will walk you through the best Jungle routes and clearing strategies for Wukong, as well as the ideal Summoner Spells, Runes, and items to use. We will also share some additional tips and tricks used by experienced players to dominate their games with Wukong. So let’s get started!

Summoner Spells
Wukong should always take Flash and Smite. Flash can be used to surprise the enemy with a W + Flash + R combo and has many other uses, making it essential for Wukong.

The Best Wukong Runes
For Wukong’s runes, the go-to choice is Conqueror for increased damage and sustain. Triumph is ideal for added sustain in combat, Legend: Alacrity or Tenacity can be chosen based on preference, and Coup de Grace or Last Stand can be chosen based on preference as well. Sudden Impact and Ravenous Hunter are the best secondary runes for Wukong’s extra damage and healing.

The Best Wukong Items
For Wukong’s items, starting with Emberknife and Refillable Potion is recommended. For Mythic items, Goredrinker or Divine Sunderer can be chosen based on the enemy team’s composition. Defensive Boots, Ravenous Hydra or Titanic Hydra, and Black Cleaver are core items for Wukong. Death’s Dance, Guardian Angel, Spirit Visage, Thornmail, and Maw of Malmortius are other options to consider.

The Best Skill Order for Wukong Jungle
Contrary to popular belief, Wukong should max E (Nimbus Strike) first instead of Q (Crushing Blow) as it provides bonus attack speed and increased damage against monsters. The ideal skill order is E > Q > W > R.

The Best Jungle Paths for Wukong
Wukong’s ideal playstyle is focused on ganking. The best starts from each side are Red Side, Red Clear; Red Side, Blue Clear; Blue Side, Blue Clear; and Blue Side, Red Clear. Depending on the situation and the lanes, different paths can be chosen to maximize ganking opportunities.

The Best Tips and Tricks for Wukong
Here are a few tips and tricks for playing Wukong:
1. Use Q to shred the enemy’s armor and synergize it with Black Cleaver.
2. Deceive your enemies by using CTRL + S to stop your champion’s command and make them idle.
3. Maximize the attack speed bonus from E by keeping it active for the entire fight.
4. Use Cyclone (R) for high damage and movement speed.
5. Utilize Wukong’s trickster mechanics to flank and engage the enemy team.

Finalizing Thoughts
Wukong has gained popularity in professional play, but he is also a fun and versatile champion for solo queue. In the early game, focus on map presence through ganks and invades. In the late game, flank the enemy team and engage or follow up on your team’s engages. Remember to soak up damage and allow your team to clean up the fight. We hope you found this guide helpful and stay tuned for more League-related content in the future!