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Introducing Hellivers 2: Warbond Edition with Arctic Armor and New Weapons

The Chilling Arrival of Polar Patriots in Helldivers 2

The deep freeze is coming to Helldivers 2, and Super Earth is deploying a new premium Warbond to support players fighting on the front lines.

Polar Patriots: Embracing the Cold

Helldivers 2‘s next premium Warbond, Polar Patriots, was revealed on May 2 and arrives on May 9. It brings multiple new armor sets, weapons, and utilities that are cool in every sense of the word. With this Warbond, Super Earth encourages us to stay frosty as we head into the heat of battle in the name of Freedom and Democracy.

AR-61 Tenderizer in the hands of a Helldiver in Helldivers 2
Deep fry your enemies. Image via Arrowhead Game Studios

Prepare for Battle with Polar Patriots

The contents of the Polar Patriots Warbond are reminiscent of what we’ve seen in Democratic Detonation and Cutting Edge premium Warbonds. It’s expected to cost 1,000 Super Credits, which you can buy or earn, similar to previous Warbonds.

Here are some of the items included in the Polar Patriots Warbond:

  • CW-36 Winter Warrior: Armor set with a Serve-assisted passive
  • CW-22 Kodiak: Armor set with a Fortified passive
  • AR-61 Tenderizer: High caliber assault rifle with high stopping power
  • SMG-72 Pummeler: Concussive SMG
  • PLAS-101 Purifier: Charge-based energy rifle
  • G-13 Incendiary Impact: Incendiary grenade that detonates on impact

Alongside these, there are new capes, emotes, and even a Motivational Shocks booster that “literally shocks Helldivers back into action after being hit and slowed by sneaky, unjust attacks like the revolting bug acid vomit.” The inner workings of this booster remain a mystery, perhaps best left to the Ministry of Defense.

Armed with these new tools from Super Earth, we stand ready for whatever challenges the galactic war throws our way. As rumors of a potential Terminid outbreak swirl, now is the time to equip ourselves with the finest gear available.