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Is GTA 6 really not the first time the series has featured a female lead?

Rockstar Games Introduces a Playable Female Lead in GTA 6

Rockstar Games recently made waves by including a playable female lead character in the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto 6. While some have praised this move, others criticize it for being too politically correct. However, this is not the first time that a female lead character has appeared in the GTA series.

Female Protagonists in the Original GTA Game

Long-time fans of the GTA franchise are aware that the very first game, released in 1997, already featured playable women characters. Unlike the later 3D versions of the game, the original GTA had a silent protagonist and allowed players to choose from eight characters, half of whom were women.

GTA 6’s Lucia and the Difference from GTA 1 Characters

The key difference between the female characters in GTA 1 and GTA 6’s Lucia is that the former were interchangeable and followed the same storyline. Playing as a man or a woman made no difference in the game. However, Lucia will have a defined personality and may invite commentary on gender roles within the criminal underworld. Lucia is part of a bank robbing duo, believed to be inspired by Bonnie and Clyde.

The Effort to Diversify the GTA Series

Although GTA 6 is not the first game to feature a female lead, it marks an effort to diversify the series, which has historically been dominated by male protagonists. GTA 5, for example, had three male main characters. This change of pace not only opens up interesting story possibilities but also attracts a broader audience who may not have been interested in playing another male-led story.

Moreover, it is worth noting that the reveal trailer for GTA 6 has been widely popular, breaking records and receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback.