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Top 5 Landing Spots No Longer Available in Fortnite: Battle Royale

The Changing Map of Fortnite: Battle Royale

The map of Fortnite: Battle Royale is constantly evolving, but not everyone is happy with the changes. Popular landing spots have come and gone, and it’s interesting to look back at the transformations that have taken place throughout the year.

Here are some of the best landing spots that have been removed from Fortnite and can no longer be found on the battle royale map.

Anarchy Acres

Anarchy Acres Image

In the early seasons of Fortnite, Anarchy Acres was one of the original named points of interest on the map. Located in the northeast part of the map, it was replaced by Lazy Links in season five after a thruster fell off during Fortnite’s famous rocket launch.


Factories Image

Factories, despite being an unnamed location, was a highly popular landing spot. It was an area between Dusty Depot and Salty Springs consisting of three main buildings with abundant loot. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the meteor strike in season four.

Greasy Grove

Greasy Grove Image

Greasy Grove, located in the southwest part of the map, was removed in season seven when the entire area was frozen over. There is hope among fans that Greasy Grove may return once the ice melts after season seven.

Dusty Depot

Dusty Depot Image

Dusty Depot was a highly contested area as it was close to the center of the Fortnite map. It was destroyed by a meteor strike in season four and renamed Dusty Divot, although the red warehouse survived and became Dusty Diner.

Moisty Mire

Moisty Mire Image

Moisty Mire was a swampy area in the southeast corner of the map. It was a favorite landing spot for many players due to its abundant resources and loot spawns. However, it was replaced by Paradise Palms in season five.

Though these locations are no longer part of Fortnite, they will always be remembered by fans. Will any of them make a comeback in the future? Only time will tell.