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Researchers suggest a Fortnite bug might have enabled hackers to breach millions of accounts

Epic Games Acknowledges Security Flaw in Fortnite, Putting Players’ Accounts at Risk

Fortnite developer, Epic Games, recently admitted that a security flaw in the game’s system may have allowed hackers to access players’ accounts, as reported by The Washington Post.

Check Point Research, an information security group, discovered the bug and privately contacted Epic Games to inform them of their findings. Although Epic Games has fixed the bug, they did not disclose the number of players affected.

According to reports, the bug not only allowed hackers to impersonate players, but it also gave them the ability to purchase V-Bucks, the in-game currency, using any linked credit cards.

Check Point Research estimates that this bug has been exploitable since 2018, potentially impacting millions of players. The group detailed its findings in an online report and released a YouTube video.

The Fortnite community has already faced V-Buck scams in the past, prompting Epic Games to issue warnings on its social media platforms and in the game itself. However, the security flaw presents a significant threat to the hundreds of millions of players who have signed up for this popular battle royale game.