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Fortnite’s New Bow Could Be Legendary with Powerful Knockback

New Explosive Bow Weapon Confirmed for Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale players have something new to look forward to—a brand new weapon called the Explosive Bow. The announcement came through the Fortnite News tab, teasing players with the message, “Archery can be a blast.”

While details about the Explosive Bow are still scarce, there are some leaks and hints that give us an idea of what to expect. It is speculated that the weapon will be released this week, based on previous patterns, and it is also part of the upcoming week six challenges.

Leaker Lucas7yoshi has shared some intriguing details about the Explosive Bow. According to the leaks, this Legendary weapon will use shotgun shells as ammo and have a reload time of 1.296 seconds. While the exact headshot damage is unknown, it is speculated that the Explosive Bow won’t have a headshot multiplier, given its explosive nature. Other leaked stats also support this theory.

The Explosive Bow is expected to cause knockback and damage in an area around the impact point. It has a single-shot clip, and players can charge the shot for 1.6 seconds to increase range and damage. There’s also a stat suggesting a damage multiplier based on the charge, with a value of 3.0, which indicates a shot three times stronger than usual. However, it’s unclear whether this multiplier affects direct hit damage or explosion damage.

For players interested in diving deeper into the technical aspects, Lucas7yoshi has shared the full stats of the weapon in the game files. As for the rest of us, we’ll have to wait until the update is released this week to experience the Explosive Bow firsthand in Fortnite.