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How to Activate Stage Morph in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

How to Activate Stage Morph in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Stage Morph is an exciting feature in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate that allows players to seamlessly transition between two different stages during a match. This feature adds a new layer of strategy and variety to the game, keeping players on their toes and adapting to different environments. Here’s a simple guide on how to activate Stage Morph in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Step 1: Accessing the Rules Menu

To enable Stage Morph, start by launching Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on your Nintendo Switch console. Once the game has loaded, navigate to the main menu and select the “Smash” option. This will take you to the character selection screen.

From the character selection screen, select the “Rules” option at the bottom right of the screen. This will bring up the Rules Menu, where you can customize various aspects of your match, including Stage Morph.

Step 2: Enabling Stage Morph

In the Rules Menu, scroll down until you find the “Stage Morph” option. It will be located under the “Stage Settings” section. Click on the toggle switch next to Stage Morph to activate it. The toggle should turn from gray to blue, indicating that Stage Morph is now enabled.

Step 3: Selecting Stages

After enabling Stage Morph, you can choose which stages you want to include in the rotation. Scroll down further in the Rules Menu until you reach the “Stage Selection” section. Here, you can manually select the stages you want to use for Stage Morph.

Click on the stages you wish to include in the Stage Morph rotation. A checkmark will appear next to each selected stage. You can select as few as two stages or as many as eight stages for Stage Morph.

Step 4: Playing with Stage Morph

Once you have enabled Stage Morph and selected your stages, you are ready to jump into a match. When the match begins, you will notice that the stages will transition between each other based on the frequency you set in the Rules Menu.

To trigger the stage transition manually, press the “L” and “R” buttons simultaneously on your controller. This will immediately shift the stage to the next one in the rotation.

Enjoy the Dynamic Gameplay of Stage Morph!

Stage Morph adds a whole new dynamic to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate matches, providing players with constantly changing stages and unique gameplay opportunities. Experiment with different stage combinations and adapt your strategies accordingly to stay one step ahead of your opponents. With Stage Morph activated, your matches will be even more thrilling and unpredictable than before.