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Sheever initiates a personal blog chronicling her fight against cancer

Jorien “Sheever” van der Heijden Battles Breast Cancer with Dota Community Support

Dota 2 shoutcaster and avid Tidehunter fan Jorien “Sheever” van der Heijden was diagnosed with breast cancer two months ago. Since then, the Dota community has rallied around her with an outpouring of support and encouragement.

To document her fight against the disease, Sheever has launched a blog on her website titled “Cancer Sucks.” In this blog, she chronicles the timeline of her breast cancer journey, starting from the initial discovery and diagnosis all the way through her ongoing chemotherapy sessions.

Throughout the blog, Sheever shares her experiences with chemotherapy, detailing the varied sensations and emotions she encounters during each session. In one entry, she describes a particularly sleepless night after her June 8 session, where she experienced feverish dreams and overall discomfort.

Grateful for the overwhelming support she has received, Sheever expresses her appreciation for her family, friends, and the entire Dota community. She notes that after revealing her diagnosis on her stream, fans immediately rallied behind her with generous donations, subscriptions, and messages of support.

Furthermore, during the Manila Masters, two fans launched a project called “Ravage Cancer” where they collected get well letters from audience members in Sheever’s honor. This project pays homage to her reputation for frequently missing Tidehunter’s ultimate ability.

Having undergone chemotherapy, Sheever is scheduled for a mastectomy to remove the tumor, which is roughly the size of a young child’s fist. Her doctors anticipate a full recovery within a year.

Follow Sheever’s ongoing battle against breast cancer on her website,

Jorien Sheever van der Heijden, Dota 2, breast cancer, chemotherapy, Cancer Sucks blog, Dota community support, Ravage Cancer project