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CS2 Fans are Stunned as ENCE Benches their Best Players

ENCE changes their Counter-Strike 2 Roster

On May 29, ENCE announced adjustments to its Counter-Strike 2 roster. Two players were benched, and two new players were brought in to replace them. While one shift is understandable, the other perplexes the community.

Roster shifts

Rifler dycha and AWPer hades were pulled from the CS2 squad and replaced by veteran sdy and promising prospect Paavo “podi” Heiskanen, respectively. Dycha has been struggling for several months, with bad performance in a number of tournaments this year. Hades, the benched sniper, has been a highlight for ENCE, and fans are stunned by the roster change.

“HADES???  “ARE YOU DRUNK??”  esports content creator Express replied to ENCE’s X post. They are not alone in their opinion. “Wait, hades?  wtf,” another fan wrote. “Hades for podi is Jks for nexa type of degradation,” another fan pointed out, and many others said the same on X.

Hades, a CS2 player for ENCE, sits in a lounge.
Fans may not believe Hades is one of the athletes who was discharged. PGL provided the photo.

In the last six months, dycha has indeed been underperforming for ENCE, recording a poor 0.98 rating, according to HLTV. It is the team’s second-worst ratio, trailing only in-game leader Gla1ve. Hades, on the other hand, has been ENCE’s most stat-driven player, with a rating of 1.13. He is frequently responsible for a few spectacular moves that have kept the squad alive in a few games.

A bright start followed by a dismal performance

The former ENCE roster, which was formed in December of last year, showed a lot of potential. Shortly after the end of winter break, the Polish team achieved significant success by qualifying for the IEM Katowice 2024 playoffs, where they would battle in front of their home fans. They quickly qualified for the PGL Copenhagen CS2 Major.

However, when they came at the Valve-sponsored competition, they went 1-3 in the opening round, officially destroying their Major dreams. From that point on, ENCE failed to demonstrate future potential, opening the stage for roster adjustments.

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