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Unexpectedly Serious: Gamebreaking MORS Build Used by Warzone Streamer Shoots Through Ground and Walls

Warzone Streamer Discovers Overpowered Sniper in Season Three

The arrival of a new weapon in Call of Duty is often accompanied by it being overpowered, but the season three MORS sniper in Warzone takes it to a whole new level. This weapon may be gamebreaking.

A Long-Awaited Return

The MORS sniper makes a comeback after a 10-year absence. The last time it was seen was in Advanced Warfare. However, this time, it comes with a significant upgrade. Warzone streamer Adio demonstrated the power of the MORS during a battle royale match on April 16. Adio managed to take down an enemy with a single shot fired into the ground, even when they didn’t have a direct line of sight.

Unbelievable Penetration Power

A MORS sniper rifle from Modern Warfare 3.
Enjoy the MORS while it lasts, because a nerf is surely on the way. Screenshot by ESN.GG

The shot fired by Adio wasn’t a fluke. The MORS sniper rifle is capable of penetrating not only the ground but also thick concrete walls. Adio’s bullet traveled through solid objects to reach its target, making it a truly potent weapon. The streamer even mentioned receiving spam reports due to the weapon’s effectiveness.

The Secret to Its Power

The key to the MORS sniper’s unparalleled penetration is the Photonic Charge Barrel. This aftermarket part converts the projectile into an energy burst, enabling it to pierce through extensive cover.

Adio achieved even greater armor penetration by combining the Photonic Charge Barrel with Anti-Materiel Rounds. The result is a railgun-like rifle capable of shooting through virtually anything.

Limitations and Wallbang Exploits

Despite its immense power, the MORS sniper rifle has a charge time that cannot be canceled once the trigger is pulled. However, it remains a formidable weapon in the hands of skilled players. In fact, another player named Dynamic managed to wallbang an opponent during a Search and Destroy match. The shot went through multiple walls and concrete blocks, displaying the weapon’s potential exploit.

Following the dominance of the Longbow sniper rifle in Modern Warfare 3, players demanded nerfs for the weapon. Hopefully, the devs will address the MORS sniper rifle quickly, as being wallbanged through mountains and reinforced concrete doesn’t provide an enjoyable gameplay experience.