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The Most Popular Roles in League of Legends Ranked Games

The Most Popular Roles in League of Legends Ranked

In League of Legends, players have their preferred roles that they enjoy playing the most. Some players excel in specific roles and have their go-to champions for that role. However, there are also players who choose a secondary role to adapt and increase their chances of winning a match.

For example, as a Jungle main, my primary role is Jungle, but my secondary role is Top lane. If I get Jungle, I always pick my main champion (if available). But if I get Top lane, I go with Nasus because I’m comfortable playing him and can still win the lane.

Ranked games are more challenging than normal games because we put more focus and strategy into them. We all want to play our main role and win with it to climb the ranking ladder and achieve higher LP. It’s our way of getting out of Silver and progressing in the game.

Now let’s delve into the topic of this article. Here are the most popular roles in League of Legends, ranked from least to most picked:

5. Support (17.2%)

Support Role Image

About the Support Role

The Support role is the least popular role in League of Legends. Many players avoid playing support because they prefer not to solo queue with a random teammate and risk a match. It requires proficiency in champion and support role mastery to dominate the lane and synergize with the ADC. Unfortunately, this synergy doesn’t always happen, leading to players avoiding the support role.

Playing in a premade duo with a friend is the best way to enjoy the support role. Having a familiar partner allows for better coordination and increases the chances of carrying the game to victory.

Why Is the Support Role Least Popular?

The reasons why the support role is unpopular are multi-fold. Firstly, playing support in solo queue can be challenging and dependent on the performance of the ADC. Secondly, supports focus more on providing utility and don’t deal as much damage as other roles. Additionally, it takes longer for supports to build their items compared to other roles. Lastly, not being able to play with a premade friend can make playing support less enjoyable and riskier.

4. Top (18.8%)

Top Lane Image

About the Top Lane Role

The top lane role is slightly more popular than the support role. Players who choose top lane often want to be in the midst of the action and actively participate in the game. However, playing in the top lane can feel isolated, and if not played correctly, players can fall behind and struggle to catch up.

Top laners need to be skilled in split-pushing, avoiding ganks, controlling the minion wave, and avoiding falling too far behind. The role is not as popular as others due to its complexity and the need for players to juggle multiple responsibilities.

Why Is the Top Lane Role in Fourth Place?

The top lane role’s popularity is influenced by various factors. Firstly, players often feel isolated in the top lane without much interaction with teammates. Secondly, the role requires more knowledge and expertise in champion selection and matchups. Thirdly, top laners receive fewer ganks and help from teammates compared to other roles. Lastly, the top lane role can have the most significant impact on the game’s performance in the mid or late game phase.

3. Jungle (20.4%)

Jungle Role Image

About the Jungle Role

The jungle role is often referred to as the “heart of the game.” Junglers focus on objectives, clearing camps, ganking lanes, and outperforming the enemy jungler. The jungle role sets the pace of the match, and successful ganks can heavily impact the outcome of a lane.

Players enjoy the jungle role for its competitive nature and the ability to assist all lanes by providing information on incoming ganks. The role requires map awareness and can be instrumental in saving teammates’ lives through timely warnings.

Why is the Jungle Role in Third Place?

The jungle role’s popularity stems from several factors. Firstly, clearing camps in the jungle is relatively easy, allowing players to farm and eat simultaneously. Secondly, the role offers a wide range of champion options to lead the game. Thirdly, junglers can exert influence over all laners and help them dominate the game. Lastly, the jungle role has a significant impact on the overall match outcome.

2. ADC (21.2%)

ADC Role Image

About the ADC Role

The ADC role holds the second position in terms of popularity in League of Legends. Many players are drawn to playing ADC because of the diverse options available. Ranged ADC champions are solid early game picks that scale well into the late game, providing players with a balanced gameplay experience.

Similar to the support role, playing ADC can be risky, especially when paired with an inexperienced support. ADCs need to win the lane early to have a significant impact in the mid/late game. Falling behind in farm and kills can put them at a disadvantage during the mid-phase of the game.

Why Is the ADC Role the Second Most Played?

The ADC role is enticing to many players due to several reasons. Firstly, it offers champions that are less complex compared to other roles. Secondly, ADCs need to focus on farming, avoiding ganks, and seizing opportunities to engage the enemy, making their gameplay relatively straightforward. Lastly, playing ADC comes with a sense of security when paired with a support who can provide protection and guidance throughout the game.

1. Mid (22.4%)

Mid Lane Image

About the Mid Role

The mid role is the most played role in League of Legends. It offers players the freedom to adapt their champion choice based on the team’s needs. Whether the team lacks AP or AD champions, mid laners can choose accordingly to balance the team composition. Mid laners also have the advantage of being able to roam between lanes and maintain their farm.

Mid lane is known for its aggressive gameplay, with many assassins frequently picked. Mid laners have the opportunity to shut down enemy ADC carries, especially if they are already fed. The ability to quickly eliminate high-value targets adds excitement and impact to the role.

Why Is the Mid Role the Most Played?

The mid role’s popularity lies in its significant impact on the game, high kill and assist potential, and aggressive playstyle. Mid laners often choose this role to help the jungler secure objectives and actively roam to other lanes for kills. The slight risk of getting ganked in mid and bot lanes adds thrill and enjoyment to the gameplay experience.

By understanding the popularity of each role in League of Legends, players can better strategize and adapt their playstyle to increase their chances of winning matches.