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Top Champions with the Highest Win Rates in League of Legends

Top Lane Champions List: The Most Broken Champions in League of Legends

Choosing the right champion to play in the top lane can be crucial for winning games. Some champions are just easier to play and have more impact on the game than others. In this article, we will go over the top seven most broken top lane champions in League of Legends.

7. Irelia

Irelia is considered one of the most annoying and broken champions in the top lane. She has great wave clear and skirmishing capabilities, which make it hard for opponents to maintain the wave and gain lane priority. Her abilities allow her to dash in and out of fights, snare enemies with her blades, and mitigate burst damage. With her recent durability update, she can melt down tank champions and take down entire teams when well-fed and ahead.

6. Fiora

Fiora is another champion that troubles top lane players. She is a great duelist with high damage and mobility. Her abilities allow her to threaten and force duels in the top lane, deny attacks or skills with her Riposte ability, reduce enemy attack speed, and finish off enemies with her Grand Challenge ultimate. Fiora’s skills can turn losing duels around and have a strong impact in team fights.

5. Camille

Camille is a bruiser champion with high mobility and damage. She excels in catching enemies with her Hookshot ability, dealing damage with her Precision Protocol ability, and limiting enemy movement with her Hextech Ultimatum ultimate. Camille’s skills make it scary for opponents to go near her and deny them gold and experience in the lane. She can also make significant impacts in team fights and assassinate enemies.

4. Gwen

Gwen is a champion that can melt down tank champions and deal damage to all types of enemies. Her abilities allow her to deal true damage, maximum health scaling damage, and become untargetable. She can clear minion waves effectively from the early moments of the game and gain an advantage right from the start. Gwen has the potential to kill multiple enemies and has strong laning, dueling, team fighting, and outplaying potential.

3. Kayle

Kayle is a champion that excels in the late game. While she has a weak laning phase, her abilities and passive allow her to become more powerful as the game goes on. Kayle’s basic attacks become stronger and faster, and her abilities deal damage and provide utility. She can safely kite in team fights and kill the whole enemy team with her auto attacks from a distance.

2. Gangplank

Gangplank is a champion that is extremely hard to move in the top lane and can help teammates from across the map. He can burst down champions with his skill combinations, place barrels to control the area, cleanse himself from crowd control, and provide global assistance with his ultimate ability. Gangplank’s resourcefulness and usefulness in every situation make him a broken champion.

1. Ornn

Ornn is a tank champion that can win lane and directly buff his allies. His passive ability provides him bonus stats for each upgraded Mythic Item he makes, making him nearly unkillable. His abilities provide crowd control and damage, and his ultimate ability has a strong impact in team fights. Ornn’s durability, damage, crowd controls, and teammate buffs make him a broken champion.

Choosing a broken champion can give you an advantage, but it’s important to study their mechanics, matchups, and game plans to use them effectively. Remember, skill and knowledge are crucial in winning games.