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What is the Waiting Time for a Summoner Name to Become Available in League of Legends?

Gamertags are a fun aspect of gaming, including in League of Legends. However, it is possible for someone to steal your Summoner Name in the game. In this article, we will explain how this can happen and how you can protect your Summoner Name.

Stealing a Summoner Name: What Does it Mean?

Technically, it is not considered stealing because Riot Games allows players to claim inactive Summoner Names. If a player has been inactive for a long time, their Summoner Name is marked as unused. Another player can then claim it by creating a new account or purchasing a “Summoner Name Change” from the store in the League client. Riot Games believes that if a player has quit the game, it is fair for their Summoner Name to be available to others.

How to Change Your Summoner Name in League of Legends?

Some players may not be aware that they can change their Summoner Name. To do so, you need 1300 RP or 13900 Blue Essence. It is recommended to use Blue Essence if you don’t have RP, as it is easier to obtain through consistent play. Here is how you can change your Summoner Name:

1. Load up your League Client.
2. Click on the “Store” button in the top toolbar.
3. In the store menu, click on “Account”.
4. Look for the “Summoner Name Change” option and click on it.
5. Choose your desired name.
6. Select your preferred payment method: 1300 RP or 13900 Blue Essence.
7. Congratulations, your name has been successfully changed.

There is no limit to the number of name changes you can make as long as you have enough currency.


Whether Riot’s decision to label Summoner Names as “unused” is controversial or not is debatable. However, they do provide a generous amount of time before allowing others to claim a high-level account’s Summoner Name. If you have any thoughts or additional information about this topic, please leave a comment below.

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