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Yoru player demonstrates incredible Agent utility with clutch victory on Haven

Valorant Player Executes a Jaw-Dropping One vs. Four Comeback

Being the final player in a round can be intense, with the pressure to avoid losing weighing heavily on your shoulders.

However, one player in Valorant demonstrated how keeping calm and utilizing all of your abilities can quickly transform a challenging situation into an awe-inspiring play.

A Valorant player showcased their remarkable one vs. four comeback play, which started off rough but soon turned into a Yoru masterclass.

After eliminating one enemy, Yoru attempted to reach Haven C-Site and defuse the spike while facing three defending opponents. The player’s location was now known to all three adversaries, making the task even more challenging.

With time running out, the player made a strategic move to activate their ultimate ability, Dimensional Rift, after setting Gatecrash. This enabled Yoru to teleport over the site and seek refuge in C Long. Instead of launching an immediate attack from this position, Yoru cleverly used Blindside to alert the enemies of their location before returning to the original entry point with Gatecrash.

Thanks to this ingenious tactic, Yoru caught the trio of enemies off guard, swiftly eliminating them and successfully defusing the spike to secure the round. If you ever need to showcase Yoru’s capabilities, this play serves as a prime example.

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