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Which VALORANT agents do North American pros prefer the most?

The Most Picked VALORANT Agents by North American Pros

In a ranked VALORANT game, agent selection plays a crucial role in determining your success. Choosing the right agent can be a challenge, but learning from the professionals is always a good idea.

We analyzed the agent pick rates from top North American professional teams – Sentinels, 100 Thieves, TSM, and Envy – to identify the most popular agents among pros. Based on data from the beginning of the First Strike qualifiers until now, we separated the agents into tiers.

Tier One: The Almost Always Picked (+70 percent)

Omen (97 percent picked)

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Omen is the top choice among professionals, being selected in 97 percent of matches. This shadowy controller brings disruption, mobility, and cover to the game with abilities like Paranoia, teleportation, and smokes.

Jett (83 percent picked)

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Jett is a favored duelist, particularly on Haven, Split, and Icebox. Her quickness and flashy abilities have made her a popular choice among younger talents in North America.

Sova (73 percent picked)

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Sova is a consistent pick across all four teams, providing valuable information gathering abilities. He excels on Bind, Split, and Ascent, but is rarely chosen on maps like Split and Icebox.

Tier Two: The Consistently Picked (50 to 70 percent)

Raze (53 percent picked)

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Raze, a powerful duelist, is commonly chosen on Split and Bind. Her grenades and explosive abilities make her a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Phoenix (51 percent picked)

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Phoenix’s versatility and sustainability make him a popular pick, especially among TSM players. His ability to flash into sites, wall off areas, and use fire to his advantage make him a valuable asset.

Cypher (50 percent picked)

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Cypher is a top choice for Envy and Sentinels, known for his surveillance and trap abilities. While TSM and 100 Thieves have lower pick rates for Cypher, he is still a favored agent among those teams.

Honorable Mention: Killjoy (71 percent picked by 100 Thieves)

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Although not as widely chosen overall, Killjoy has been successfully utilized by 100 Thieves. Steel, one of the smartest tactical players in the game, has used her utility to defend bombsites effectively and slow down the attacking team.

Tier Three: The Rest (Zero to 25 percent)

Breach, Reyna, Skye, Brimstone, Sage, and Viper have low pick rates among North American pros. These agents are not commonly seen in compositions and may need buffs or further adjustments to become viable options.

Stay tuned to for more updates on the VALORANT Champions Tour and how agent pick rates change across different regions.