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Which agents in VALORANT are in urgent need of buffs or nerfs?

VALORANT is a competitive multiplayer game that requires careful balance. While some decisions are straightforward, others present a complex challenge to ensure that every character, map, weapon, and player can thrive.

Currently, VALORANT has achieved a relatively balanced state with its 22 agents. However, as players discover new strategies and improve their skills with each agent, adjustments may be necessary.

Agents in Need of Nerfs

Nerf: Neon

Neon, one of VALORANT's duelists, sending a message to her enemies.

Neon is not a popular choice among players, but at the highest level, she is a solid pick for those who prioritize speed and chaos. However, one of her abilities needs a nerf.

Neon’s ultimate ability, Overdrive, is unique as it makes use of tracking, a mechanic rarely seen in VALORANT. The ability allows Neon to track and eliminate enemies with a powerful beam. While this ability is interesting, it deals too much damage and allows Neon to move freely around the map, disregarding standard movement mechanics. A nerf to Overdrive is necessary to address these issues.

Agents in Need of Buffs

Buff: Harbor

Harbor, one of VALORANT's controllers, holding a big gun.

Harbor has struggled since her release and is considered one of the weakest agents in VALORANT. Players find it challenging to use her water-based utilities effectively, as their placement and usage lack clarity. Additionally, Harbor’s utility immediately reveals her position, limiting her effectiveness. A significant buff is needed to enhance her usability and make her a better Controller agent.

Buff: Skye

Skye, one of VALORANT's initiators, providing support to her team.

Skye, once a popular Initiator, has fallen out of favor due to the introduction of new agents. While her flash abilities and healing capabilities are valuable, her other utilities have become obsolete compared to those of other agents. Seekers, in particular, serve little purpose compared to other similar abilities. Skye requires a buff to improve the effectiveness of her non-flash abilities and make her a more viable pick.

Agent in Need of a Nerf

Nerf: Fade

Fade, one of VALORANT's initiators, about to cover her head.

Fade is currently the strongest Initiator in VALORANT, but her abilities provide too much utility. Her ultimate, Nightfall, guarantees site retakes or team wipes when used correctly. Additionally, her other abilities, like Prowlers, are incredibly powerful and offer a combination of mobility and control. These abilities make Fade an unstoppable force, and she requires a nerf to restore balance.

These adjustments to agents will help maintain balance and fairness in VALORANT, ensuring a better gaming experience for all players.

VALORANT, agents, balance, nerfs, buff, Neon, Harbor, Skye, Fade, multiplayer game