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Valued Insights from the VALORANT Community: Effective Strategies to Handle Trolls in Ranked Matches

How to Deal with Trolls in VALORANT

When playing ranked VALORANT or any other tactical FPS, you’re bound to encounter players who are trolling the game. While it’s ultimately Riot Games’ responsibility to address this issue, the community has offered some tips on how to handle trolls after a Bronze Three player asked for advice.

Advice from the Community

A Redditor named SreenidhRG shared their experience of losing because a teammate didn’t get their preferred agent, Reyna. The community provided the following advice for dealing with trolls in future matches:

  1. Ignore the troll and avoid reacting to their actions.
  2. Focus on your own game and do your best. The troll might stop sabotaging the game if your team starts winning.
  3. Mute the troll to prevent additional annoyance during the match.
  4. If the game becomes unwinnable, focus on strengthening your fundamentals. This way, the match won’t be a complete waste.

Having Fun with Trolls

Alternatively, you can choose to troll the trolls if you don’t mind losing the match. Another player shared a few funny phrases that worked for them:

  • Say “you tried your best, it’s okay, I still love you” whenever the troll loses a gunfight.
  • Say “he is right there, you see him” whenever an enemy appears in front of the troll.

Based on my experience with online games, it’s acceptable to engage in some banter with trolls as long as it doesn’t offend them. These players simply want to annoy their teammates, so losing your temper only gives them satisfaction.

Report Trolls to Riot

Remember to report trolls to Riot whenever you encounter them in VALORANT.

VALORANT, trolls, community tips, dealing with trolls, tactical FPS