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Valorant Players Advocate for Stricter Punishments for Ranked Griefers, Drawing Inspiration from LoL Solutions

Strict Punishments for Griefers in VALORANT: What Can We Expect?

Griefers in VALORANT can be a nightmare to deal with. These are players who purposely lose games to de-rank, ruining the experience for their teammates. While players can report these individuals, the punishment system in VALORANT is not as strong as in other competitive games, including Riot Games’ popular franchise, League of Legends.

Yesterday, Riot Games announced their plans to implement stricter punishments for griefers in League of Legends. These measures include forcing them to play other game modes before returning to ranked play. Fans on Reddit have been discussing the lack of harsh penalties for griefers in VALORANT, especially in the Gold and Platinum ranks. Losing 30 to 45 minutes in a disadvantaged match can ruin an entire gaming session.

Currently, the main form of punishment for griefers in VALORANT is text chat bans for using slurs or engaging in harassment. However, voice chat remains an unregulated space, and gameplay issues are not addressed. Players are left with the options of reporting and moving on or finding a consistent group of friends to play with.

For those who don’t have the patience or a consistent group of friends, this solution is unsatisfactory. Additionally, players with alternate accounts can easily switch to another account after being banned, which allows them to continue griefing. While these players need to reach level 20 to play ranked in VALORANT, grinding this ahead of time enables them to quickly swap accounts and continue ruining ranked games.

To combat griefing more effectively, the VALORANT development team can take inspiration from how the game already tracks utility usage on teammates. Looking to their counterparts in the League of Legends development team may provide valuable suggestions on how to address this pressing issue.

With Riot Games introducing stricter punishments in League of Legends, players are hopeful that similar measures will be implemented in VALORANT to improve the ranked experience for everyone involved.

VALORANT, griefers, punishments, competitive games, Riot Games, League of Legends, ranked, experience, players, harassment, griefing, Reddit, voice chat, alternatives, alternate accounts, utility usage.