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VALORANT player discovers high ground spot for Jett on Breeze

VALORANT Player Discovers New Breeze Spot for Jett

Jett, known for her agility and ability to access hard-to-reach areas, has a new spot on Breeze that can give players an unexpected advantage.

One of Jett’s new spots on Breeze provides her with a vantage point over the middle of the map, perfect for surprising opponents.

VALORANT player static-0x35 has shared a video revealing a new spot on Breeze where Jett can use her Updraft ability to reach an elevated position. By jumping on the stone barrier near B Main and gliding to the boxes near Mid Pillar, Jett can then utilize both Updrafts to reach a corner spot on the building’s rooftop. From here, she can have a clear view of the entire mid lane.

This vantage point offers an advantage as most players are unlikely to expect an enemy in this position. However, it should be noted that accessing this spot requires both Updrafts and exposes Jett to multiple angles as she makes her way to the top of the building. It may not be suitable for mid-round use but can prove useful during saving rounds or when the enemy team is heavily focused on a specific site.

If you find yourself in a tight spot, consider utilizing this position but ensure that using both Updrafts is the best decision before committing to it.

VALORANT, esports, Jett, Breeze, Updraft, new spot