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VALORANT introduces much-needed quality of life enhancement in CS2

A New Feature Coming to CS2: Refunds

Valve has announced a major change to the limited test beta of Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) that will allow players to fully refund any weapon, item, or armor purchase made before the start of the same round. This feature, which has already been implemented in the game’s biggest competitor VALORANT, includes refunds for weapons, armor upgrades, grenades, and defuse kits.

This gameplay update has been taken from VALORANT’s playbook, allowing CS2 players to sell any purchased item during the pre-round window. It’s a feature that players have been asking for, and the community has responded with joyous celebration. The announcement on the official CS2 Twitter has received positive feedback from pro players, organizations, and community members.

The buy menu will also undergo a visual overhaul, replacing the iconic wheel with a grid that displays all available purchase options on one screen. Players will also be able to see what their teammates are buying. However, the option to directly buy weapons for teammates, as found in VALORANT, will not be included.

Related: Valve is changing guns in CS2 to add more realism—and players are loving it

In addition to refunds, the June 6 update for CS2’s limited test beta will introduce a new loadout system. This system allows players to assign any side-appropriate weapon to any slot within the pistol, mid-tier (SMGs and Heavy), and rifle categories.

CS2, Counter-Strike, limited test beta, refunds, VALORANT, gameplay update, buy menu, loadout system.