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VALORANT Developers Confess Lack of Line-up Consideration in Map Creation

VALORANT Map Designers Don’t Consider Line-ups When Creating New Maps

Line-ups in VALORANT are a popular feature among players, whether in ranked matches or esports events. Players invest a significant amount of time and effort in discovering and executing impressive line-ups using different agent abilities. However, it turns out that the game’s map designers do not have line-ups in mind when creating new maps.

Lead level designer Joe Lansford shared in a recent blog post about the creation of the new VALORANT map, Lotus, that line-ups are not intentionally built into the map design. He mentioned that sometimes, in game development, things happen by accident.

Lansford said, “I’m definitely not a lineup person. We measure areas for crosshair height, look at corridor width for smokes and mollies, and pay attention to the importance of angles. But in terms of specific util lineups, we don’t really build anything like that intentionally. We just let the art kind of be the guide.”

Related: Best VALORANT agents to play on Lotus

Even though line-ups aren’t part of the intentional design, the team’s focus on creating authentic Indian-inspired rock-cut architecture for Lotus has inadvertently resulted in the discovery of several viable line-up spots.

The developers’ lack of consideration for line-ups may initially seem discouraging. However, it actually makes the process of discovering effective line-ups even more impressive, considering that players are finding these spots without the maps being designed with line-ups in mind.

VALORANT, map design, line-ups, Lotus, VALORANT agents