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VALORANT deserves a new character with unique abilities—Yoru is definitely worth the hype

VALORANT Episode Two Introduces New Duelist Yoru

The latest update for VALORANT Episode Two brings excitement with the addition of Japanese duelist, Yoru. With Yoru’s unique gameplay, the agent roster now boasts 14 characters. Although the game would benefit from controller fixes, Yoru’s abilities are sure to capture the attention of fraggers.

While Yoru is also a duelist with a flash ability, he offers enough variation to stand out from other agents. Players who prefer a more manipulative playstyle will find Yoru perfect for their needs, distinguishing him from the mechanically-intensive Jett, for example.

VALORANT’s Need for Another Duelist

Screengrab via Riot Games

With Jett, Phoenix, Raze, Reyna, and now Yoru, duelists make up the largest class in VALORANT. Although many may have expected a new controller agent, introducing another duelist is not necessarily a bad idea.

In a typical team composition, squads have at least two duelists (sometimes three for certain teams like TSM), one sentinel, one controller, and one initiator agent. While this can vary depending on skill level, the need for duelists remains consistent in the current meta. Therefore, adding Yoru brings more diversity to this class.

The issue lies not in releasing a fifth duelist, but in the stagnation of another class in VALORANT—controllers.

Related: Omen’s high play rate in VALORANT pro scene highlights the need for more controllers

During the First Strike: North America tournament, Omen was picked in 99 percent of the matches, according to On the other hand, Viper and Brimstone were rarely chosen. Smokes are crucial for coordinating attacks and defending against the enemy team, but the limited meta options for controllers and the nerfs to sentinels in October have made duelists more powerful than ever.

While releasing another controller agent wouldn’t entirely solve the issue, Riot Games has taken a step in the right direction by addressing controllers in Patch 2.0. With Omen nerfed, Brimstone buffed, and Viper potentially receiving improvements, Riot may be paving the way for a new controller agent in the future.

Yoru’s Abilities Enhance Gameplay

Despite the initial concerns about adding another duelist, Yoru has the potential to win over the VALORANT community. His calm and stylish demeanor contrasts well with the more boisterous Phoenix.

Yoru’s ability, Blindside, is not groundbreaking as it only activates on hitting a hard surface. However, it can be thrown a significant distance. Yoru’s true strength lies in the mind games he can play with opponents.

In the hands of a tactically-minded player, Yoru can be a menace. His ability, Fakeout, can completely confuse opponents with false footsteps that can lead in any direction. The possibilities are endless—whether it’s faking an assault, pretending to retreat, or briefly distracting the enemy’s aim, this ability is both subtle and powerful.

Image via Riot Games

Yoru’s Gatecrash and Dimensional Rift abilities work well with the fake footsteps, diverting the attention of opponents before he strikes from behind. However, there are some counters to be aware of. Gatecrash can be shot by opponents, and the dimensional shard becomes visible if it gets too close. Yoru’s ultimate also exposes him to enemies if he enters their range, although he remains invulnerable. Additionally, each ability produces a sound cue that can give away Yoru’s position.

Despite these minor drawbacks, it’s hard to imagine a team composition in which Yoru doesn’t fit. He can set up devastating flanks, eliminate stragglers as a lurker, and make flashy entries with his flash and teleport abilities. Pairing him with Omen creates chaos for the enemy team, as they won’t know which direction to focus on. Finally, a team of five duelists is now possible.

Yoru may not be the agent that players need, but he’s certainly the one they’ll want.

VALORANT, Episode Two, Yoru, duelist, agent roster, controllers, gameplay, fraggers, Jett, manipulators, team comp, meta, patch, smokes, Omen, Brimstone, Viper, mind games, tactics, Fakeout, Gatecrash, Dimensional Rift, abilities