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VALORANT community raises concerns over character accent errors across different languages

VALORANT Fans Critique Native Languages of Agents

Fans eagerly await the release of new agents in VALORANT as it brings fresh characters to understand and utilize in ranked play. However, fans have recently voiced their concerns over the authenticity of some agents’ native languages.

Agents in VALORANT represent their respective home nations while fighting for their causes. While some accents are passable, fans have noticed certain agents’ native languages sound a bit off.

The discussion began on Reddit, with a post questioning Killjoy’s German accent. The original poster pointed out that her German accent sounds like an American-speaking German. They questioned why Riot didn’t hire an actual German speaker for the role.

Others joined in the conversation, raising concerns about the localization of other agents’ languages, particularly for players in Spain or Latin America. According to one user, the Spanish-speaking version of VALORANT uses native-speaking Spanish actors imitating accents from different regions. However, many players find it cringe-worthy and choose to play the game in default English. Allegedly, the same issue exists in Polish, French, and other languages as well.

There are also comments about the recently revealed Norwegian agent. One player noted that her accent sounded clear and similar to their own, but criticized the poorly written Norwegian lines that no one would actually say.

However, not everyone had issues with Deadlock. Some players praised the most recent addition, stating that her accent was relatively good. One player even mentioned that their Norwegian girlfriend thought the voice acting in the trailer was fine, but acknowledged that the lines may have been written specifically for translation purposes.

While there may be some strange dialects in VALORANT, the introduction of Deadlock highlights Riot’s efforts to make their agents sound more authentic to their specific regions. However, there is still room for improvement.