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Unveil an amazing VALORANT technique to assess doors for foes without opening them

VALORANT Players Discover New Knifing Tactic Through Closed Doors

A crafty VALORANT gamer has recently found a new way to eliminate enemy agents, and it involves knifing them through closed doors on the Ascent map. This tactic is gaining popularity among players, and although it seems silly, it’s surprisingly effective.

Knifing Through Doors: A Surprising Discovery

A player named Reyna shared this newfound tactic on Reddit on Feb. 5. They noticed that they were taking damage even when the VALORANT door in front of them was closed. To their surprise, after the door collapsed, they found a knife-wielding Raze waiting on the other side. The video showcasing this tactic quickly gained attention in the VALORANT community.

Reddit video link

Replicable Situation on Ascent

After the video surfaced, many players attempted to recreate the same situation on Ascent. It turned out that the tactic was entirely replicable, and players could consistently knife opponents through closed doors. This raised questions about whether this was an intentional feature or a bug within the game.

Taking Advantage of Similar Issues

Players in the community started sharing other tips that took advantage of similar issues within VALORANT. For example, a Sova main suggested shooting Sova arrows through the door’s edges using a one-bounce click. Another player warned that while these tactics can be useful, players should also be cautious since the enemy can often see them through the door.

If the bug has been present for a while, players might have taken some time to notice it. It’s possible that it appeared after a recent patch and remained unnoticed until now. This issue should be brought to the attention of Riot developers for further investigation. In the meantime, players can use this sneaky tactic to gain an advantage in the game.

Unveil an amazing VALORANT technique to assess doors for foes without opening them

VALORANT, knifing tactic, closed doors, Ascent, sneaky advantage