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Understanding the Accent of VALORANT: An Explanation

The VALORANT accent has become a popular part of the game’s meme culture. Games like VALORANT become an integral part of internet culture. They turn into an identity for players and community memes take over social media platforms.

No matter which server we played a ranked VALORANT match on, it was almost impossible to escape the infamous VALORANT accent. Players would constantly taunt us with their accent on voice chat, but let’s not debate whether they were right or wrong.

Let’s dive deep into the origins of the VALORANT accent to understand its true definition.

Explaining the VALORANT accent

The VALORANT accent is a trend among players. As per the trend, players imitate former Sentinels player Jay “Sinatraa” Won in their way of speaking. This distinct speech pattern is characterized by a slow, disinterested tone and insults directed at teammates for making poor plays.

Related: Sinatraa’s settings, keybinds, and crosshair for VALORANT

The trend gained popularity among players after content creators made videos mimicking the accent on platforms like TikTok, Twitch, and YouTube. Notably, Daphne “39Daph” Wai had a segment during a livestream in 2022 where she explained the VALORANT accent and mentioned it as a red flag in the dating world.

The majority of the VALORANT community jokes about the accent, but players can encounter others who may not realize they have it. Confronting them may cause their accent to get even stronger, so it’s advisable to mute these teammates during intense moments.