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Top VALORANT Chamber Lineups: Optimal Placement for Trademark and Rendezvous Anchors

Best Chamber Lineups for Trademark and Rendezvous Abilities in VALORANT

Chamber, one of the Sentinels in VALORANT, has gained popularity due to the current map rotation. While his guns are easy to use, his other two abilities can also be crucial if used correctly.

Here are some effective lineups for Chamber’s Trademark and Rendezvous abilities that can provide great flank coverage and escape options. With these lineups, you can maximize Chamber’s potential, especially when playing on the attack.

Where to Place Chamber’s Trademark and Rendezvous in VALORANT

Chamber’s Trademark ability is commonly known as a “trip” and is used to reveal enemy positions and slow them down. However, it only works within a certain area, similar to Killjoy’s abilities.


  • Where to place Chamber’s Trademark and Rendezvous in VALORANT
    • Lotus
    • Bind
    • Haven

Where to Place Chamber’s Trademark and Rendezvous in VALORANT

Chamber’s Trademark ability, also known as a “trip”, alerts the agent to an enemy’s location and slows them down. This ability only works within a specific area, similar to Killjoy’s abilities.

Chamber’s Rendezvous ability allows him to teleport to an anchor point as long as he remains within its effective area. This ability can be used to teleport to high ground or through walls. It offers a lot of creativity and can be used for both defensive and offensive strategies. The section below will provide some sneaky spots for the Rendezvous ability.


Lotus is a great map for Chamber because all three sites have good Operator angles. Although the limited range of Chamber’s utility is a concern, there are still valuable placements to consider. Several Rendezvous points on defense allow for easy escapes from early fights, such as the spots near the B door and in C Waterfall for aggressive defenses.

On defense, Chamber’s Trademarks should be positioned strategically to hold a specific area. The three-site design of Lotus allows for a lot of value from trips, and there are excellent spots to place them while covering a different angle or site.

On the attack, both Rendezvous and Trademarks are useful for early engages and flank coverage. The provided locations for both can enhance any push. Rendezvous spots are marked with yellow circles, while Trademarks are indicated by red circles.


Bind’s tight chokes make it an ideal map for generating value from Chamber’s utility, particularly on defense. There are clever Rendezvous spots that can secure kills effectively.

On defense, Trademarks should be placed at choke points to create a disadvantageous situation for enemies. These spots force enemies to either shoot down or trip the tripwires.

On attack, Bind allows for easy flanks and surprises. Rendezvous spots and Trademarks should focus on protecting the team’s back. If another teammate, like a Cypher, is covering the back, Chamber can be more aggressive with their utility to prevent easy retakes.


Haven is an excellent map for using Chamber’s Rendezvous ability to surprise enemies on defense by starting on high ground or teleporting to it later.

Each site on Haven has spots where Chamber can teleport to high ground. Starting with a pick at A main and teleporting to the high ground behind can potentially surprise more enemies.

Trademarks on defense should be placed strategically at chokes, where enemies can’t easily shoot them. The high ground on Haven offers more options for Trademarks.

On the attack, Rendezvous and Trademarks serve both as early peeks and flank coverage. Each choke has an area for Chamber to safely place their utility. Additionally, there are great spots on site to play angles and teleport to safety.

These are just some examples of effective lineups for Chamber’s Trademark and Rendezvous abilities. Keep in mind that the possibilities are endless, so be creative with your utility placement. Use your knowledge of the maps and game mechanics to gain an advantage and secure easy round wins.