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Top Sunset Setups for Killjoy in VALORANT

In VALORANT, having well-crafted sentinel setups can be crucial to winning difficult rounds. If you’re struggling on the game’s newest attack-favoring map, Sunset, I’ve got some overpowered enemy-melting Killjoy setups just for you.

Killjoy is one of the most plan-dependent agents in VALORANT. On defense, it’s best to set up her strengths on one site and lurk close by to ensure her abilities stay active. This allows you to lockdown or anchor one site while your teammates focus on the rest.

On offense, Killjoy players are responsible for controlling the flank and setting up a solid post-plant hold if possible. Her intel-gathering and damage-centric abilities make her a great choice for the Sunset map.

Best Killjoy Attack Setups on VALORANT’s Sunset

Sunset A Site Killjoy Setups for Attack

If you’re planning to hit A Site on attack, start by placing Killjoy’s Turret in a strategic position to watch over Spawn and Mid Tiles, providing intel on any enemy flank attempts.

Once you’ve planted the Spike, you can choose whether to use your Alarm Bot for intel or to apply the “Vulnerable” effect to your enemies. You can place the bot below the A Link platform to watch for retake attempts, or in A Alley for extra coverage.

For a post-plant setup, you can plant the Spike behind the diagonal box (safe plant) and use a Microwave setup to deny enemies access to the defuse.

Killjoy Sunset B Site Setups for Attack

To approach B Site, place Killjoy’s Turret to watch over flanks via Mid and Spawn. For post-plant setups, you can place the nanoswarms and Alarmbot right ahead of the B Site entrance door or on the ledges of the middle pillar for some creative plays.

Best Killjoy Defense Setups on VALORANT’s Sunset

Sunset A Site Killjoy Setups for Defense

Killjoy excels at anchoring Sunset’s A Site. Place her Turret on top of the Radianite box to cover A Main and A Elbow. Use a Microwave setup with the Alarmbot and Nanoswarms to deny enemies space or try placing the Nanoswarms on the ledge of the Radianite Box and the digital screen for a sneaky setup.

If you want to play A Alley, you can use a simple setup by placing the Alarmbot and Nanoswarm in front of the Turret. Another option is to place the Alarmbot in A Elbow for intel on enemies.

Sunset Killjoy B Site Setups for Defense

On B Site defense, position Killjoy’s Turret on top of a box to watch over Mid Door and B Main. Use a Microwave setup by placing the Alarmbot and Nanoswarms right ahead of the B Site entrance door or on the ledges of the pillar in the middle of the site.

For a more coveraging spot, place the Lockdown in B Boba, but be aware that it’s a risky spot as the enemy team may attempt to destroy it. Another option is to place the Lockdown in B Market to cover a major part of B Main.

Best Killjoy Ultimate Spots on VALORANT’s Sunset for Attack and Defense

Deploying Killjoy’s Lockdown can be crucial for both attack and defense. For attacking A Site, place the Lockdown near the site entrance. For retaking A Site, you can place it in A Link cubby as a risky option or in a safer spot in A Alley.

For attacking B Site, the best spot for the Lockdown is near the site entrance. For retaking B Site, place the Lockdown in B Boba or in B Market for better coverage.

Bonus Mid Killjoy Setup for VALORANT’s Sunset

Here’s a quirky Nanoswarm lineup to counter attackers trying to find cover behind the structure in the middle of Bottom Mid. You can also place Killjoy’s Turret in Top Mid to watch for flanks and provide cover when firing.

With these setups and setups, you’ll have a better chance of success in VALORANT’s Sunset map!

Related Killjoy, VALORANT, Sunset, setups, attack, defense, A Site, B Site, Nanoswarms, Alarmbot, Lockdown